jk1138 , get ur butt in here


New member
hey buddy, got couple of things,

1. about saturday, you still want to carpool let me know, think i'm definitely going

2. u the pack rat of all aquarium extra stuff, just layign around. well you wouldnt have a extra light fixture laying around not in use would ya? nothing fancy, something i can borrow for the time being till i save and purchase my lighting in near future. i figure, just something i can cycle a tank with and with the addition of the live rock , that i can keep it "Live" and happy and stare at hitch hikers till i make my final purchase of a lighting system for my SW build.

or anyone in the club have anything laying around not in use :p id love u forever hehe

hey buddy, got couple of things,

1. about saturday, you still want to carpool let me know, think i'm definitely going

2. u the pack rat of all aquarium extra stuff, just layign around. well you wouldnt have a extra light fixture laying around not in use would ya? nothing fancy, something i can borrow for the time being till i save and purchase my lighting in near future. i figure, just something i can cycle a tank with and with the addition of the live rock , that i can keep it "Live" and happy and stare at hitch hikers till i make my final purchase of a lighting system for my SW build.

or anyone in the club have anything laying around not in use :p id love u forever hehe


Yeah I am going so that would be cool. As for a light I only have a regular clamp light at this time, but have a friend with a MH light. He is not using it and was going to sell it. I am waiting for him to send me a pic of it, it may work for you for the short term.
I am PMing you my number now.
i got the info, ill contact u later tonight, as for light, new to this, but little light will be good or almost not needed for a cycle right? i figured wouldnt hurt, so long i dont leave on all day and such, for i wouldnt want a bunch of unwanted algae growth, but still have enough to keep my critters alive and happy. whats crazy, im getting excited jsut to see and enjoy the hitchhikers for the time being lol. weeather good or bad :p and ill worry about getting bad out , when it gets closer to that time :)