JohnL's 20 Gallon Nano Reef

No, I have had frags die within the first week plenty of times. The stress of bagging and moving them, or shipping them, or just water differences or lighting differences will set them off. I never like to see them die, even if I end up not liking them I don't want to see them die. I wish I knew the secrets.
Yep, spot on.
Looking forward to seeing photos.
Coming soon.

Whole tank was coming along amazingly. I made no changes recently. Corals all healthy except for one that ends up face first in sand daily. I keep forgetting to by epoxy.

I woke up 7 days ago to some brown stringy stuff....
3 days later it was everywhere! I mean everywhere! Rocks, glass, sand, coral... Pretty sure it was dinos

I am not sure what brought it on so fast. I don't have a nitrate test kit, but phos is still up at .12 or so... I can't imagine Nitrate bottomed out.

Anyway - out of desperation I threw on a fairly huge UV donated by a local club member. 24 hours later, it was knocked down by at least 60%
Yesterday by 90%
Today there is just some left in places with low flow where I have not had a chance to blow it into the water column.

I still don't think most UVs are sized to do snot for disease or parasites... but they can be very effective on some varieties of dinos for sure.

Given the whole disruption I took the opportunity to swap out the Noo-Psyche and 2x Radion G2 (I never fully deployed the Noo-Psyce) for two Mitras 7206 fixtures.

Corals look happy today, but I guess the next week or so will be telling.
I woke up 7 days ago to some brown stringy stuff....
3 days later it was everywhere! I mean everywhere! Rocks, glass, sand, coral... Pretty sure it was dinos
I dealt with a minor episode of dinoflagellates for about a month shortly after I removed a major amount of xenia. I ran Chemi-pure Elite and filter floss and used a turkey baster to remove as much as possible. It's much better now. I had to remove my squamosa clam which was dying. 😥 I only have 2 of 6 acro frags still alive and I'm not sure they're going to make it. Ugh 🤦‍♂️
I have not done ICP yet. I have a triton kit on the desk. Keep meaning to baseline test and send it in.

Is your issue always STN?

Are you dipping new arrivals?
Try revive and/or a lugol’s based treatment.

Mike Paletta did a recent talk about STN. It is bacterial based, I don’t have the notes. But you may be able to search for his findings.
I would also microscope or magnify to check for flatworms.
I have Coral RX but never used it yet.
A cipro treatment for that small of a tank maybe fairly easy and inexpensive If a biome tests reveals high levels of vibrio. I know there is controversy about using powerful antibiotics for reefing so not sure how you feel about that.
I know there is controversy about using powerful antibiotics for reefing so not sure how you feel about that.
I'm not too crazy about that but maybe at some point. Who does the biome test?

I wonder which test?
I know @JCOLE has some experience with this topic also.

I forgot to ask you. Do you run UV on the tank? If not, I would recommend that as well before Cipro if you are hesitant to try it. All of my issues started happening when I removed my UV last April. My Aquabiomics test came back with high Oceanospirillaceae bacteria which has been found to cause white band disease in Acropora.

I know there are others out there advocating against using Cipro but when you have a bacterial issue then I really don't see any other way to eliminate it from your system without using an antibiotic. I know they are using probiotics on Florida reefs but until that becomes available to hobbyists then I don't know of anything else.

I don't have any experience using OA but have used Cipro. It turned my tank around from death within two weeks.