JohnL's 20 Gallon Nano Reef

So, trying to understand their recommendations.

2 doses of 0.15 ml Iodine. 3 weekly 20% water changes.

Then what? Another ICP test?
The water changes are based using NSW (and the respective trace levels in it) or the salt they listed Which I assume aims to mimic NSW. Using something else will skew the results. That said, I wouldn’t chase the numbers too hard.
You have several elevated metals and a few things on the low side, so the water changes are to try to bring things back to into spec. Iodine is considered important so specific addition to fix it. Only way to know if the measures worked is to do another ICP test but that's your call on how soon you want to do it. I'm curious what salt do you use?
I did the test to see if anything in the water might be causing the STN I was experiencing.