JohnL's 20 Gallon Nano Reef

This is another case where RHF thinks GAC removing Iodine doesn't matter since the states we are interested in are iodide and iodate. He says there is no evidence that GAC removes them.
Do you run GAC Sean? How about iodine dosing?
Both randomly. I toss in 4 or 5 drops of lugols maybe every couple weeks and I run carbon when any corals look annoyed for no obvious reason - maybe once every 2 months for 5-7 days. I have carbon in right now as it happens.
Since the cleanup I have run a single bag of chemipure elite non-stop. Not sure if this will hurt or help long term. Oversized skimmer and now a UV 24/7 (dino outbreak). I am considering turning the UV off and only using it as needed. I am on the fence about it killing good, as well as not being too bothered about algae due to having a Scopas, Tomini and Coral Beauty that all graze non-stop.
What kind of iodine? How do you test?

I use Seachem Reef Iodide. When I do test I use the Hanna Nitrite tester with the steps Rick Matthew created to use with Red Sea Iodine reagents. It works great and the most accurate Iodine tester I have used.
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Do you use any media?

No. Only use skimmer, UV, and now Ozone. Will use a filter sock as needed to help when cleaning, etc.

I have used phosguard, GFO, lanthinum chloride, etc before and although they work I just don't have much control over them. I would rather use Carbon and perform water changes as needed.

This isn't the right way, just what seems to work for me.
I feel the same way over 30 total years with SW fish and I still am not sure what the "right" way is. More like a meandering path through trial and error to figure out what works for me. A continuous learning experience. I do think that not jumping on the latest crazes has been a big help.

@JohnL This is it. Thanks Sean.

I haven't seen the new version in the second link but will give that a try. The procedure in the 1st link is the one I use and it works very well.

I created a spreadsheet to calculate the formulas up so all you have to do is enter in your Hanna reading. If interested, let me know and I will send it to you.
Yes, that would be great Josh. My email is

I just sent it. All you should have to fill out are the cells in yellow. You can do with or with out temperature correction. I always do no temperature correction as it isn't that big of a difference and requires more steps.

The Red Sea reagents come with a reference standard of 0.06. I would recommend running the test a couple times with the reference until you get familiar with the steps. Once familiar I would receive 0.06 or very close everytime with the standard. It is a really good test for Iodine.

If you have any questions let me know.
Also, with the Hanna Nitrite tester you'll need the Iodine reagants. Just order the Iodine refill instead of the whole test. Its half the cost and everything you need.


This is the standard it comes with to check to see if anything is off

My Iodine dosing might make some cringe. I dose 20ml every other day and only test every couple of months. If the crabs are molting then I know there is Iodine in the system. Call me crazy I know :oops:
Do you think using ozone will affect your dosing regiment?