JohnL's 20 Gallon Nano Reef

When the polyps are out I find much higher success rates

When I have one that never extends polyps it’s almost certain to not make it
Taken with camera

How long do you find it takes for frags to settle in and start growing?

Oh man that's the million dollar question. It really depends on the type, health, and placement of the frag. I have some frags that haven't done anything in almost two years but I have some that are encusting within two weeks.

I would say if your system is ready and the frags are healthy in a happy spot then you should start to see minimal encrusting or growth within a couple weeks after placement.

I usually give frags 3 months. If encrusting/growth is happening within a couple weeks then within 3 months you should have a good base and see new branches start to shoot up.
How are your parameters?

FWIW, years ago when I had the 15 gallon I couldn’t keep Acros in that tank either.

ETA, I my 40 they’re they’re doing okay, but not growing nearly as fast as in previous larger tanks.