JonK's 30g IM Nuvo


New member
Hi everyone, I wanted to share some pictures and details of my 30g IM Nuvo.:beer:

I purchased the tank back in November of 2014. It came as a kit with the tank and stand, IM skimmer and IM LEDs.

Full tank shot:

For lighting I use the IM Fusion dual dimmable LED.

The circulation is provided by the stock pump with spin stream. Along with that I installed a Hydor wave pump controller with 2 Koralia Nanos.

I also installed a Hydor smart level ATO. Absolutely one of the best investments I've made. The peace of mind of not having to top off once or twice a day is fantastic.

Please let me know what you think. I'll be posting more pictures and details shortly.
Current tank inhabitants include:

2 Banggai Cardinals (not sure if they are a pair)
2 Snowflake Occelaris

Red Linckia (first starfish I've ever tried, wary of long term success)
Black Cucumber
1 Cleaner Shrimp (I recently lost one. Both seemed quite healthy and were carrying eggs constantly. I'm not sure why it died)
10 Astrea snails
1 Conch

Corals (LPS)
Candy Cane
Various Acans

Various zoanthids
Kenya Tree Leather
Green Cabbage Leather
Green Nepthea
Ricordea mushrooms
1 red mushroom(One of the first corals and has yet to multiply, Maybe the lights are too strong)

I've tried Xenia and clove polyps without success.
looks good and your the 1st person iev eever heard of not being able to keep xenia....if thats the case then be glad you CANT! Id also recommedn taking out the kenya tress and they can very repidly multiply and take over your tank. theres just too many better options out there then those 2. and the lights being (too strong) would cause your corals to bleach out....check your water peramiters constantly as that is the main factor on how corals grow.
Thank you for the feedback. That kenya tree started off at about an inch and 1/2 high. I know they can start to multiply rapidly but I have not seen it start to drop any branches yet. I enjoy the sway of the kenya tree in the tank. Same with pulsing xenia. Although I am running out of real estate and have moved towards more of an LPS tank.

I have an app on my phone called Aquarimate that I keep track of all my parameters. I do test fairly regularly. Not as often as when the tank was first set up. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate have shown 0 for months. Only time I saw any thing above zero was the first few weeks of the tank being set up.

I do fight some nuisance algae in the main tank. I have a CPR refugium hanging on the back of the tank filled with feather caluerpa. I need to get my hands on some cheato. The nuisance algae doesn't really bother me a lot. I will reach in and manually remove it once in a while.
Equipment list:

30g IM NUVO with stand
IM Dual Dimmable LED light
Stock pump with spin stream
Hydor Smart Wave with 2 Hydor Koralia Nano's
Hydor ATO
CPR Refugium with light (filled with feather caluerpa)
IM Skimmer
Cobalt 75watt Heater

I would like to upgrade the lights to an AI Prime in the near future. And also replace the Koralia Nano's to the next bigger pump to get some more flow.
JonK's 30g IM Nuvo

Equipment list:
I would like to upgrade the lights to an AI Prime in the near future.

Might be a good time to upgrade. Premium Aquatics has the AI Prime 10% off thought 8/31.
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The Kenya tree decided to shed some branches. It's probably only half the size it was in the recent pictures. I've seen them drop a branch here and there. This is the first time I've seen one collapse for 5 days and then come back with most of the larger branches shed. I thought for sure it was going to die.

Recent pic up at Something Fishy

Another Acan
