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Well i went and did i just ordered my 525 gallon tank from tenecor
Its another one of those come join and watch the progress so like all of these threads there will be picks and discussions i very open minded and easy going so feel free to add comments or suggestions that you think would benefit the build. This is only day one, i will have lots of pics through out the thread. As for now its starts with basic drawings and my babling. By the way i cant spell to safe my life so bare with me please

Tank specs:
525 Acrylic tank

120''(10ft) long
48''(4 ft) deep
24''(2ft) high

I dont know what it is but my niche is deep shallow tanks i absolutly love them

5 ft down draft skimmer which i hope i can find some beckettes and modify it

200 gallon Bio ball mechanical filtration sump

410 gallon Fuge ( i hope biggest on reefcentral )

UV to be discussed

Return is a dart i want slow water flow through the filtration to maximize filtration

there will be 2 barracudas for two closed loop systems that each have 2, 2inch inflows and 4 1 inch returns for each closed loop

and the skimmer will be powered by 1 baracudda

Ro/Di by Melev

200gallon Ro storage

And more pvc piping then i will know what to do with

The tank will have its own deticated fish room

The tank will be the center piece in my basement which i am remodeling. I want the room to be a the hang out room in the house, 2 , 3 flatscreens couchs and o yea a bar. The tank with have a 12,13 bar lip build into the front of it so u can get food/drink and sit in front of the tank at bar height.

So like i said before pics are comming soon but for now there will be sketches, this is one i did please critque it as to what should go where maybe.

The tank will be finished and shipped on Nov. 15 woot

So with that thanks for looking

This will be a very cool finished project, I'll be looking forward to the build.

... and, your close enough I can stop by for a beverage when it's all done. :)
Is the tank acrylic?I don't remember if tenecor makes glass tanks I always thought they specialized more in acrylic tanks.Make sure your friends are not to drunk and tap on the acrylic or scratch it.Booze can do strange things to people.I to can't spell for beans and by the the way its save not safe.Safe is something that you want to use with a girl you just met:beer:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11081681#post11081681 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steve the plumb
I to can't spell for beans and by the the way its save not safe.Safe is something that you want to use with a girl you just met:beer:

Must be the Canadian thing :D ... My wife also Canadian (Edmonton, Alberta) She does that to me all the time....:D
as for the drunk freinds thing ill have wrok something out about that, and i have no idea why i put safe and not save,
lol i just figured it out im lazy and didnt reach far enough for the v key and hit the f instead
Acrylic can scratch easy.I just bought a 300 gal tank and I try to be as careful as I can.I am paranoid when it comes to scratching the tank.Drunk friends and a fish tank may not be the best combination(nor little kids with shiny objects in there hands)
no kids here im only 23 but scratches arent hard to get out i sanded the entire fuge (10ft x 36 x 26 ) by hand,then found out it leaks, it stinks but not hard and looks really good when ure done, dont get me wrong if i could afford a 10 foot glass tank i would but cost vs a little sweat here and there doesnt bother me much

anyone have any thoughts on the set up of the room is it water filtration efficent or is there a better design for the flow ???
small update found a good deal and went with 2 Hammerheads for the closed loop, dart for return and barracudda for the skimmer this should have some nice water movment, I also purchased melves RO/DI 100gpd and a 300 gallon Water holding tank for quick and easy water changes

Im trying to think i didnt mention lighting before, but i did order 3 HQI DE for orbit they are the 150 watt DE version with 4 54w t-5 HO. I have two 24 inch which have 1 150w and 1 36 inch which comes with 2 150w as well as the 4 65watt t-5 HO. I very excited i have nevery had MH or T-5 and now waam both in one combo. I know most of you are saying no way is that enough light for that tank and i know this but for now while i will have very small fish and minimal corals it should be fine i will deff get some 250w in there over time.

i was thinking more and more about it, and i really think i want to do a BB tank, this way i dont have to worry about waste building up and plus with the fuge being as big as it is there will be enough sand and macro in there for the system.

Whats ure thoughts on BB vs small sand bed, i know there a million threads on it but after reading and seeing Naka's 180 Starphire tank!!! thread im really leaning towards the bb, stop me if u can muahahaha

my favorite thing about the sans is the fish that live in it. And, there are no bare bottom reefs in nature. I'm sure that bb is much easier to keep clean and stable though.
With the sump you are going to have you can do a DSB in part of it.You can fix that leak in the sump with weld on (inject it into the seam)I don't know witch one to use I think its 4.You can also do what Jnarowe does he has a DSB witch he can close off from the system when it requires maintenance.He also has placed the rock in his tank and sand around the rock but in the front part of the tank.He sifts the sand for detritus and replaces some of it every so often.Its more easy to maintain that way.You can also get a de nitrate reactor with will help.I plan to get an H&S model later on.If you plan on BB then you need a lot of flow.If your not going to keep sps then you won't have to worry as much.SPS are more finicky when it comes to clean water and maintenance. :fish1:
subscribing to this one. Do you already have the RO/DI from melev/mark yet? I was hoping to get his as it seems really good for the price.