Jump in and get wet

here we go the project was on hold because i own 2 lacrosse stores and had to go down to the convention and rub elbows with all my vendors who by the way are great people but thats neither here nor there.
this week was and off we come monday door and trim go in and then sometime thursday the room will be painted and ready for me to had couches tv ect.
This is comming from the first floor down


The room now preped and primed

Here are the Pumps 2 Hammer heads for closed loops 1 barracuda for the skimmer 1 dart for return with Barr and dart might be switching roles wont know until i fill the sucker. Also here is My Ro/DI from Marc Levenson Also are my lights 2 36inch 1 150mh and 4 T-5 then 1 48inch 2 150mh and 4 t-5, I also picked up a 14 aqautinic From a Buddy here in NY Sweet unit by the way if you can swing you should Def Get one. There is Also my 6ft + life Reef skimmer Dual Venture with many mod options, I also ordered 15 Reef plates You'll see why in the future


And the room This is where the flat screen is going


and finally the Where the tank will be in the wall after the painting is finished
holy crap on a stick.. that skimmers HUGE. bigger than me.. and my tank. eep. looking good so far. are those supports in the room staying there ? if so what are u putting around them. cant wait for the to get going :D:D
Which supports, the leg of the stands or the room walls (doors go in monday)? which one if its the green ones then thats the support for the tank they are 6x6 pressure treated
This the light rack that we built cost all of maybe 200 bucks and it will sit on garage door track so i can move it away from the tank nice and easy
its 10ftx4ft


and some of the fish room the paint is a 2 part epoxy so that it will resist some of the humitity(spl) and pics of the stand that will support a couple 1000 LBS :-)

