Jump in and get wet

Couple updates, my face hurts went to a costume party last night wound up at the bar and in a fight (but u should his face) :D

Steve i like that idea i dont know if im a fan of the DSB but i think i want to use egg crate and seperate the fuge so i can have a couple mini fuge's i think this will maximize filtration, and as for water current i have Two CL running on hammer heads, so thats almost 10,000gph turn over i dont know if i want anymore then that. The CL is also the reason i want a bb beacuse i have a feeling thats gonna be a heck of a lot of flow, which means that ill have the pile of and look...

Got the email melves ro/di is on the way

on a funny note when i was talking with tenacor about where to drill the holes i said i want a 2 inch, well what i meant is a 2 inch bulk head wich is a 3 inch hole. For some reason when i was sitting here it dawned on me and called and explained to them that i wanted 2 inch bulkheads and not holes. So for the future when u order something i guess make sure u explain it like you would to a 5 yr old or else i would have a 2 inch bulk head trying to fit in a 2inch hole DOAH
cool cool lol everyone is on damn RC and natty no glass acrylic

Glass is to expensive and to heavy, but goot question i didnt ask how thick it was if u meant acrylic... i have to ask
I just recieved a 340 gallon from tenecor. It took 7 weeks and they drilled the wrong size holes in the lower portion of the tank and have provided some of the worst customer service I have ever experienced. Check your tank well when it comes in.
I just got mine early last week also, lucky i had no holes drilled or overflows(did myself). And yes their customer service sucks, took over 3 months to get tank. Then i just showed up at door one day no tracking number or phonecall that its on its way......
Its acrylic you can drill it yourself.Beagle you can still have sand in the tank.I have all my flow aimed upwards.So if some detritus gets moved around it will be sent upwards towards the overflow.My pipes are about 4" off the tank bottom and I bought some OM fittings that allow you to aim the flow.My plumbing return lines are 1" and I don't get any sand storms.You should get a good clean up crew.This will help with any excess food. http://www.reeftopia.com/
Nice tank...lol.

Here is a little advice. First you are 100% right. If you go with a bb you wont have to deal with tons of sandstorms. I am constantly fixing my sand and adjusting my flow. I do like the look of sand though. I think the shallower tank makes it hard to keep the sand even.

If I think of anything else I will post it.

Good Luck
well late night here but im sorry to here about the late tanks and the service hopefully that is one of those fluke ocurences, and ty for the links will look into them soon

and good news and bad, i finally got a camera bad news is i dont have the software, so i have pics but not on the comp.... wether or not we have the tropical rain storm here im gonna get out and get my self a camera
well who ever said patience is a virtue knew what they were talking about. Looking into which camera i should go with so like always if u have raves / or boos about the one u have let me know.

got some work done i did a little winter cleaning and got rid of alot of garbage, my garbage man isnt going to be happy tomorrow.

cant wait my new store opens tomorrow wish me luck, a drunk driver set us back about 3 weeks because he decided he would park inside the store at 4 in the morn, but all in the past now.

as for the tank nothing new yet but when the ball gets rooling ill get u guys the pics and lots of them, becuase if ure like me i love pics
Its a lacrosse store, i have a partner and this our second store hopefuly one a year for the next couple years we want to have at least 5 stores in our area
yes it is

Ok need some help i need some info on kalk reactors and which one will be good for a 525 gallons ?
hey I am going to get one of Marks RO/DI's so I have a few Q's:

Was it sent pre-assembled?

Did his price include shipping?

any other comments?
just got it today packed nicely i think its like 24$ for shipping big nice unit seemed heavy duty and i belive its just plug an play
hope this helps