June Meeting

I plan on bringing a six pack of something and probably some sandwiches. Please bring something, if you can. I might have a couple of mushrooms to give away. They are finally starting to reproduce like crazy :)
Hello STARS , free time has been real scarse lately kinda mis having last years lack of activity LOL.
The web page was done on Microsoft Publisher , which means that I can email the file and anyone can update it as long as we upload the original file the content will only reflect the new changes.
Let me know who to send the file to (PM an email address)

Hey Daniel! Has anybody pm you about the website yet? John and Jay had both shown some interest in updating it. Have you had much interest in the lovely raffle ticket can? Looking forward to invading you store on Sunday :)
I plan on bringing a six pack of something and probably some sandwiches. Please bring something, if you can. I might have a couple of mushrooms to give away. They are finally starting to reproduce like crazy :)

Did i hear Reproduce? :)
Hey Audrey no PM's yet on the web-site.
Have 18 tickets still

I think I had close to 100 tickets, so that is great! I guess I could try my hand at updating the website. Where are the bags of salt anyways? I think some are here with Justin maybe?

80 hour work weeks are tough, they are rare for me thank goodness. Steffen, I didn't know that computer geeks worked that much!:spin3:
I think I had close to 100 tickets, so that is great! I guess I could try my hand at updating the website. Where are the bags of salt anyways? I think some are here with Justin maybe?

80 hour work weeks are tough, they are rare for me thank goodness. Steffen, I didn't know that computer geeks worked that much!:spin3:

LOL they are Apple!!!! Enough said. lol Sorry Jay
Plus the launch of the iOS4 and the iPhone 4 as well this week.

Steffen Sparks
i have that box of salt that was brought to the last meeting. i am not sure how many bags where in there, i never even looked at it. but i will be bringing that for sure.
Het Justin I will catch a ride with you as long as I dont have to let steffen sit on my lap. Don't forget to tell Audrey the meeting is at 12 so we can get there on time for a 2:00 meeting time. I know she won't read this so no worries about her finding out about you foolin her.
okay we will be leaving at 11:30 *wink wink* we will really leave around 12:30-1 but don't let audry know

that leave one adult seat open
The meeting usually drag out a little on the long side. There is time reserved to sign in and visit until the official meeting discussion. After the meeting in called to an end, the raffle and demonstrations are typically done during this time. You are more than welcome to stay as long as you like. The fact that you attend at all means alot to the club :)

I won't be there today, but will send the meeting minutes from the May meeting via email to Daniel at the Coral Reef. I will see all of you at the next meeting, sorry that I have to miss this one.