So as I understand it, all water from the DT goes to the settling filter, and then to either the white sump (dirty water) or black sump (clear water). Water is then pumped up to the refugium, which then drains water into the two tall cylinder tanks below it. These tanks can then be actuated to act as surges into the DT. You have powerhead grids to provide some uniform flow through the DT as well.
The external loop goes like this:
DT > overflow > sump-run > settling tank > clear sump >pumps> raised fuge surge > DT
The settling tank will feed the dirty sump but that's connected back later. It's not part of the main flow.
The two large tanks under the raised fuge surge are opened to the water channels under ground. The two surge scrubber tanks over the DT are connected to the reef channels. These four tanks exchange water creating surge and anti-surge flow that is completely separate from the circulating loop above. There are no valves or actuators to the water connections. All actuation is at the air and vacuum lines over the tanks.
The powerheads are a separate third loop of flow. These create circulating clockwise and counter clockwise around the overflow going through the sealed water section in the back (with the cinderblock). This is independent of the external loop and the surge flow.
Now what I don't understand: Do you have a normal return, or is all the return through the surges? If so, where does it come from? I am assuming the vacuums come into play for the vertical algae scrubber pastures? How do those work? In the CAD there doesn't seem to be anything connected to the vertical tanks?
All the return is gravity fed back into the tank. That doesn't mean it's a surge. The return lines have valves that limit flow to create a steady return or open wide to create a surge. My intent is to have the 6 actuators connected to the level sensor in the fuge so that the flow is gradual but less than the refill rate by the pumps. Above a threshold, the gradual flow turns to surge to bring the fuge back down and restart the fill. Think of it as a very leaky surge. The external loop has no vacuums. All actuators are water valves.
The surge tanks have open channels to the water. All actuators are air/vacuum to pull water up or release it. The in-tank surges double as tanks that fish can swim up into to feed on the algae there.
I'm big on redundancy. The external loop has multiple pumps and multiple valves with emergency passive pipes.
The three loops are separate so if any one fails, the others will continue to work.
So if the vacuums fail, the powerheads and external loop work.