Karl's 100G Build Thread

Very, very nice Karl! Professional as can be :)
Interesting comments on the Radions, I have a pair that has been sitting in my closet for 8 months now and still have not decided on which tank to try them on.
Very nice job, the whole process of a new build is exciting. Every time you do it it comes out better than the last.
The new set up looks great. I hope you have good luck with the Radion's. Your pink polyp cap is doing well, very happy in my tank:thumbsup:
Thanks a lot guys! Nice to get the positive feedback after the stressful re-build.

Warren get those suckers up! Mine sat in my closet for about a month + and I couldn't wait to try them.
Looks great Karl! Very neatly done on every aspect and well researched prior to. Building all you've shown was quite an accomplishment in that amount of time. Took me 4 months to do the same. You do have some very nice pieces in your collection. Your water quality must be excellent I could never get my pink birdnest to color up like that under just my AI's. Any concerns about having too light of a bioload with the same number of fish and a lot more water? How are the reef flakes working out for you, moving at all? Pretty clean right out of the bag, huh?
Love the reefflakes, didn't even bother rinsing them before I put them in the tank. They move a little but it's nowhere near the pain that my Bahama oolite was. Yea the build took about a month to complete but it seemed like forever. As far as water quality is concerned, I basically follow a strict water change schedule and try not to overfeed. It always amazes people when I tell them that I don't use RO/DI water (I do use DI water made by the API filter). I'm not worried about the bioload, I don't think it will be an issue for long since I plan on adding a few fish soon. In my opinion, a light bioload is actually easier to maintain and I do dose reef energy so that helps as well.
My "fish room".

Good stuff! I like the simple scape and great work on the stand.

Thank you! The doors are almost done for the stand. Well it was all done but I used a semi-gloss that I hated when I put it in my living room so I had to sand it all back down to the stain and refinish with a satin. Going for a minimalist aquascape, Im sure I'll tweak it a little once I have everything else going but I'm pretty content with it right now.
I've seen this in person. And it looks absolutely stunning. And the "fish room" is a great way to save space and clean up wires in the process.
Re-aquascaped the other day. Its been a while since I posted so I figured Id get some pictures up. Pardon the diatoms and the "artsy" shots, I was trying to avoid the inevitable window glare.






