Keeping shore crabs for a puffer


New member
Anybody have any advice on how to keep a bunch of small shore crabs for my porcupine puffer? I have kept them in a bucket in the past but it gets stinky fast. Maybe a small tank with a filter and a rock for them to climb out of the water? Also, is there any other creatures I can collect locally (west coast) that will be better for him? Thanks.
I would check the Ca. Dept. of Fish and Game book to insure that the crab species you are collecting doesnt have a minimum size/take limit. Seems like there is a law about everything these days.
Cheers! Mark
I'm not in CA but I am well aware that my local govt would be happy to accept a check from me before allowing me to take a leak.
Rock crabs are red and get quite a bit bigger then these. I fish for them and Dungeness in the summer (yum). These are Hemigrapsus nudus and H. oregonensis crabs which only grow to about 1.5 inches in length and spend alot of time out of the water.
I would never take a rock crab without it being the right size, in season, and with a permit. These on the other hand are found by the hundreds under any rock on the beach and are not caught for sport as they're tiny. But my puffer loves them so I collect them (but i'll definitely change my tune if I get a ticket someday)