A few new additions. I picked up a trio of ignitus anthias, a male and female lyretail to replace the two i lost (they're african ones which i actually like more than the others i've had), and I added my new flame wrasse pair to the acclimation in the display. also, I semi-impulse bought a nice blue spotted jawfish.
I have a shallow, fine sand bed which i knew would not be ideal for the bsj so i wanted to make him a home. I also wanted to make sure he would stay front and center (or at least try). I took a piece of 3/4" pvc and a 45" elbow and figured that would work. then i realized that no matter what, the top would always poke out and it would look unnatural.
So i bought some crushed coral and aquamend and tried to make the end that would be poking out look a little more natural.
I buried the pvc and placed some crushed coral and rubble rock around it. now, how to make the bsj find and stay in the home. I decided to use some tupperware, some planning, and after a strategic series of maneuvers i somehow had the bsj trapped right on top of the home i made. within five minutes, he was in the hole renovating his new home.
as soon as the lights went out, i removed the tupperware. and to my suprise, he was still in his home the next morning. and he did quite a bit of work building and renovating the den. I must say it is an absolute blast to watch him work. I'll get a video when he gets settled in.
his home, front and center. (hope he stays).
flame pair a few mins after adding to the acclimation box in the display tank.
african male lyretail
and just because pictures....kole and achilles