launchnukes' 300DD starphire build 400g+ total system

i never installed the elites but they were nice. the elites take up WAY less space but through my research i found that if you have the room the lumenbrights had a better spread.

How much room you talking about? I haven't gotten my 300DD yet, so I have not built my canopy. I built my stand higher then normal at 37".
How much room you talking about? I haven't gotten my 300DD yet, so I have not built my canopy. I built my stand higher then normal at 37".

I dont remember the exact dimensions of the reflectors but the elites are much smaller than the lumenbrights. I build my stand higher too, it's 40.5"
was gonna post a few updates but no time this morning, will update later.......

so a quick video. dont forget to switch it to hd.

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A few new additions. I picked up a trio of ignitus anthias, a male and female lyretail to replace the two i lost (they're african ones which i actually like more than the others i've had), and I added my new flame wrasse pair to the acclimation in the display. also, I semi-impulse bought a nice blue spotted jawfish.

I have a shallow, fine sand bed which i knew would not be ideal for the bsj so i wanted to make him a home. I also wanted to make sure he would stay front and center (or at least try). I took a piece of 3/4" pvc and a 45" elbow and figured that would work. then i realized that no matter what, the top would always poke out and it would look unnatural.

So i bought some crushed coral and aquamend and tried to make the end that would be poking out look a little more natural.


I buried the pvc and placed some crushed coral and rubble rock around it. now, how to make the bsj find and stay in the home. I decided to use some tupperware, some planning, and after a strategic series of maneuvers i somehow had the bsj trapped right on top of the home i made. within five minutes, he was in the hole renovating his new home.


as soon as the lights went out, i removed the tupperware. and to my suprise, he was still in his home the next morning. and he did quite a bit of work building and renovating the den. I must say it is an absolute blast to watch him work. I'll get a video when he gets settled in.

his home, front and center. (hope he stays).



flame pair a few mins after adding to the acclimation box in the display tank.


african male lyretail


and just because pictures....kole and achilles


I would not be lying if I said this was one of the most promising starts to a system I've seen in a very long time... your aquascape and stocking are both beautiful and I really do look forward to see both with a little bit of growth to them :)
This thing is SWEET! Great job. Seeing tanks like this makes me want to go work on mine.
Thanks for taking the time to show us!
thanks for the compliments, you guys are too kind.

anyway, i released the flame wrasses the night before last after the lights went out. When i got home from work yesterday, they were still hiding but showing interest in coming out, which is good. When i fed they didnt go crazy but did take a bite or two. The anthias are doing good.

the blue spot jawfish has been a blast to watch. I've been giving him a few pieces of rubble rock each night to make him feel at home. I made a quick video of night number 3 in the tank just after i dropped in a little rubble. He's still timid but getting more comfortable each day.

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Absolutely gorgeous and well-thought-out build. Livestock selection is mind-blowing, and I love the cabinetry work. Skinned very well, looks fantastic. I will definitely be mimicking your set-up when I get around to my build, and am definitely following your progress. Congrats, this is one awesome setup. (Not that you need told, but even so. Amazing work.)
had a few minutes to myself last night so i snapped a few quick shots of the tank to practice with the camera. the glass was dirty but the pics didnt turn out too bad.

current fts (still can't get these to look right)

left island



War coral feeding time

Hairy crayola

thought this shot was cool (a little out of focus though)



trying to get a shot of the bsj during feeding time. best i could do...he's so fast
Your blue spot is great will have too think about getting me one whenthe time comes
But again your tank is looking amazing great job