launchnukes' 300DD starphire build 400g+ total system

new arrivals.

Cirrhilabrus balteatus (girdled fairy wrasse)
Australian Cirrhilabrus scottorum (aussie scott's fairy wrasse)
Cirrhilabrus Jordani (Flame fairy wrasse)

....and another on the way

and as you can see...all males ;)



Nice additions man. Where are they all coming from?

Thanks. I've been getting them through a lfs. a few came from california, a few from hawaii, and have more coming from overseas.

Nice additions... :D You may want to keep an eye on the Scott's as they can be very aggressive.

I've been thinking the same thing. it's been worrying me but I'm hoping with 300 gallons of room to play that they'll be ok.

Your aquascape is awesome. I love the the view from the left panel.

thanks. my favorite view too.
Click my name and "Visit launchnukes's homepage!" for my build thread

That's exactly what happened, and glad I did.:D

Very nice job. Very similar to my set up, so I guess I'm probably bias.

Your fish collection/selection is awesome so far. The fish QT as well.

Is that water heater in your fish room electric? I would be worried it would be using up a lot of the O2 in the room if it's gas.

Keep up the good work.:thumbsup:
Thanks reef smac and junkie.

@ acasp4 I was kinda getting led overload. My plan was to use mh for a bit and look at leds in a year or so.

I know I haven't updated in a while. I went through some random losses, lost shipments, etc :( But in the next few weeks ill have a major update. Hopefully a good one
well, i've had a few setbacks over the last few months. I've lost quite a few fairy wrasses, after prazipro and monitoring them eating for a few weeks in qt, i added using an acclimation box for a couple days, then released during lights out. a few ate, then hid, then vanished. a few swam in the rocks never to be seen again. those losses include, but are not limited to, two male flame wrasses, an aussie scotts, and a girdled. my rhomboid pair was doing perfect and getting fat until one day i found my male in the overflow, i put him back in the display and he was fine. next day, overflow again, saved. the next day, overflow again, released back in the tank never to be seen again. i made a few more fish orders but none seemed to work out. i had everything from wrong boxes sent, to delays, to flat out my fish not being in the box. lol. I added a purple tang just to watch him get beat to near death, however i rescued him with a one in a million net swing, and he has recovered in qt. I placed a large sps order and had nearly 100% of the box doa or dying. i tried to save the corals but they all died in my tank which spiked the parameters a bit and caused quite a bit of cyano (as you can see) but that is starting to go away. thank goodness the company stepped up and sent another box. I'm complaining but I know there are MUCH worse things that can happen in this hobby, so i'm thankful that nothing was catastrophic.

anyway, on to the positive. my new sps order arrived much better and the colonies seem to be doing fine (i just need to get them to color up now). my 4 helfrichis seem to be doing good together. and all the current tankmates seem ok. (although, i'm a little worried my achilles may be a little over aggressive). and my water had cleared up quite a bit (but i did add an undersized uv sterilizer to help with clarity).

I'm still trying to figure out the white balance on my camera to take better pics. i'm also working on taking better videos but here's an updated video anyway. not too happy with the quality, but oh well.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
thanks guys. anyway, another update. today i've decided to bust out the two part and i'm going to officially start dosing. i'm going to try to keep my parameters as perfect as i can to try and get these sps to pop. I've done very little testing over the last few months but my parameters actually arent too far off, i'm just going to try to bring my alk up to around 9. i'm also going to start dosing my water change water to exact tank parameters.

Nitrates 0.5 (down from 5 a month or so ago and 10 before that) I still feed pretty heavy
Alk 7.5 (i think that's a little low)
Mg 1350
Ca 450
Salinity 1.026

oh, and couple really bad pics of the stressed new arrivals. golden rhomboid male, labouti, and a monster lineatus. all look good, but the rhomboid is scaring me a little because of his sparadic swimming. they've only been in the tank for a few hours and they're already eating mysis.



Subscribed - Just placed my order for my 300 DD Marinland with starfire on all three sides.. Gonna use this thread for idea's!:)