launchnukes' 300DD starphire build 400g+ total system

thanks guys. i've been taking it easy the last few weeks. i've been closely monitoring my parameters and I've been dosing brs mag, alk, and ca and i think i have everything dialed in. I'm going to be investing in a doser soon so i dont have to do it every night. anyway, i'm just going to give it some time and see if i can't get these corals to color up. my ora stuff looks good but my aquacultured stuff has a way to go.

current tank parameters
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Phosphate (hanna meter on the way)
Alk 9.1
Mag 1380
CA 460

I messed with the camera a little bit this afternoon. i need to play with it a little more. anyway...




lineatus has settled in nicely
Hey LN - quick ? ..... How far from the water surface are your MH reflectors. Looking for the distance from water to bottom of reflector. I have pretty limited headroom and concerned about getting good coverage front to back across the 36" span.
Love the way your rocks are set up. It really shows off the depth of the tank.

Thanks. it's amazing how much time you can actually put into setting up rocks. lol. i wanted something that would show the depth, have plenty of places to set corals but leave lots of room for corals to grow and fish to swim.

I may have missed it but where did you get your ballast?

i believe it was aquacave

Subscribed today and learning alot from you -- Just starting a 300DD build myself. thanks

thanks, good luck with your build

Who's biting the lineatus' tail. Your tank looks great, still loving the rock work.

thanks guys. its funny, i've never noticed the nick on the lineatus. i havent noticed him getting harassed at all cause he's one of the biggest fish in the tank. but if i had my guess, it would be the achilles or the blue hippo. i've been watching the tank closely and that seems to be the only sparring (the hippo and achilles) plus my yellow tang has a few nicks too. well...i guess that's not counting the male bartletts :uzi:

Hey LN - quick ? ..... How far from the water surface are your MH reflectors. Looking for the distance from water to bottom of reflector. I have pretty limited headroom and concerned about getting good coverage front to back across the 36" span.

my reflectors are about 10.5" from the surface. it may be a bit high, but my research has shown with those reflectors i should still be getting plenty of light. plus it keeps the heat and further away. it also keeps the water splash to a minimum. the tank seems to have great coverage, in pics you can see darker spots where the braces are but it's not that noticable in person.
picked up 10 new sps pieces last night from a local reefer. decent size pieces and some nice stuff including hawkins, crayola, joe the coral, purple tort, and other name stuff. I also got a monster (a green hairy one to be exact) that decided to brown out in his tank so i'm going to try to bring it back (yeah right, lol). so far everything looks happy and i'm already getting good polyp extention on most.

best new fts i could get


purple tort

center rock with the monster (to give some perspective, the center rock is about the size of a football)

left side

left side center rock

oh yeah, and unless you have 4 foot long arms it is IMPOSSIBLE to mount anything along the mid to lower back of a 300dd without climbing halfway in the tank. so think of that when designing a canopy for any future or current dd owners.
Picking up more supplies....nothing too exciting. wood, screws, glue, aluminum,

not too much going on but i did get started on my "fairy blocker 1000". I plan on having quite a few fairy wrasses so i need to build a top. I've decided to go with 1/4" bird netting again. doesnt block light or heat and easy to build.

below are a few details of the netting build. keep in mind, i'm not expert, and although i've done this once before i was still just kind of winging it

oh, and excuse the picture quality. i took them with my iphone.

supplies (forgot to take a pic of the corner pieces)

cut aluminum to size and connect pieces.


frame built

cut netting a little larger than the frame and roll the spline in the groove securing the netting. make sure to keep netting tight

once netting is attached trim the excess netting off with a razor blade.

one down, two more to go

Where can i find the frame and the corner part ?
How do you like the light fixtures? would you still go with them or would you go back with the lumen max elite?

I am setting up a ML 300g DD. and I am torn on what lights to use...
It looks so natural !!! Give more photos and video please !!!!

Thanks, someone is borrowing my camera now but i'll update once i get it back.

Nice scape!!


Tank Is Amazing. I want a 300DD soon!!! Christmas to myself??

that sounds like a good idea, i've alway liked christmas. thanks.

Where can i find the frame and the corner part ?

pm replied...home depot or lowes (window screeing materials)

Your tank is looking really nice LN.

thanks. I've had my ups and downs but i'm happy the way it's looking, just need to get my corals to color up.

your tank looks verry nice love the aquascaping

good luck with your brown hairy

It's getting better poylp extention but no color yet. thanks

How do you like the light fixtures? would you still go with them or would you go back with the lumen max elite?

I am setting up a ML 300g DD. and I am torn on what lights to use...

i never installed the elites but they were nice. the elites take up WAY less space but through my research i found that if you have the room the lumenbrights had a better spread.