LeeMar starfire 290 mixed reef build

Finally replaced the maxspects with the remaining two kessils. Great to see the tank all in ONE color for the first time!

Forgive the dirty top and the crazy cords. Couldn't resist a pic.
Made a quick video with the new lights tonight. The color is pretty great on the closer shots. Very close to what it really looks like. Color gets very faded when further back. I wanted to get a vid with just the kessils. I will do another with the supplimental lighting to do a comparison. Getting better with the video camera. Thankfully I am getting better with the editing software as well. Used to take me hours to make a short video. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Dottyback eggs??

Dottyback eggs??

happened to be taking a video when I noticed the dottyback with eggs coming out it's belly. Pretty cool. I have no idea if this is normal. There is no other dottyback in the tank, so it was a bit of a surprise.

Went a little photo crazy!

Went a little photo crazy!


Found that photographing the fish is much easier with less wattage on the LED's. I put some Ecoxotic Panorama "Marine" fixtures over my 300 gallon tank. 145 watts total in two rows over the tank. It was added to suppliment the 5 Kessil A350's. They are very impressive little lights. I found if I shut down the kessils and just keep the Ecoxotic's on........it makes it much easier to take pics. Lights up the tank nicely, but as bit as it is........It brings down the intensity of light. Really lets it spread out.

Anyway, I took a bunch of pics under the new lights.

Purple Tang


Chocolate / Mimic Tang


Female Lyretail Anthias


Male Lyretail Anthias

Lyretail Anthias


Female Spotbreast Angel


Male Spotbreast Angel


Epaulette Tang

Coral (and fish)

Coral (and fish)



Rainbow Monti


Not sure what this is, but I call it the "spiderman Monti." ;)


How many fish can you see? I see 6.


Purple Acro


Blue Tenious


Green Tenious


Green Torte

Tank is looking good and congratulation on your 1 year anniversary. You have done well sir.

Thanks very much. I am very excited to see where the tank is after a year. Just hit it's stride a few months ago, and WOW! Now it's really growing coral! I started almost everything from frags, so it's nice to see some colonies in there now. I figure next year should be very impressive if I can keep it up. ;) New lights should allow for a bit more stocking between now and then.

Moving away from LPS and softies now that things are stabalized. Building my canopy over the next week........can't wait to get it above the tank! :bounce2:

Lot's to do still.