Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

Hi Lemon,

Was wondering if there are any particular temp requirements for the Venustus and Multibar angels?

Hi Lemon,

Was wondering if there are any particular temp requirements for the Venustus and Multibar angels?


hi bello.

these fishes don't seem to mind warmer temperatures, up to 28-29C, sometimes even up to 30C (sorry, from where i come from, we read in degree celcius)

i kept them in quarantine without a chiller and since Singapore is a tropical country near the equator, water temperature can rise up to 31C even in the house. I kept my QT tank in a cool area without a chiller at the max was only 29C. did not observe any difference in behaviour.

However in my reef tank now at temp 25-27C, the breathing rate is much slower and it seems to be "happier"

so i conclude that no, cool water is not a requirement, but they do better in cooler waters.
I added another female marjorie today. too many left over females at my LFS so i helped them clear one more.

now have 3 females, 1 male.

all 3 females are shown here in the box.

Bottom is an old photo of my male. he swims too fast now to get a photo. my trio is now a quartet

Ack!! No quarantine? You have big giant brass ones, trying that, my friend.

all my fish were quarantined before hand :) what i meant was i added in another 1 into my tank today which i had gotten from a LFS with too many marjories.

the new female marjorie was QTed for 2 weeks which i obtained from a different LFS as the other 2 females. i think 2 weeks is a little short though? i usually go for 3 minimum...i hypoed it
btw jmaney,

how do you quarantine male genicanthus angels?

i had a male watanabe in quarantine without any females but it changed into female within the 4 weeks of hypo. i wanted to put females in it but i had a friend who did that, and the male harassed the female to death in the tiny qt tank
Geez, you really HAVE to keep adding beautiful fish don't you? :-)

Thanks for the advice with the dwarves. I really love the venustus and multibar. Did get the venustus, but didn't make it past a week. Refused to eat. Still, will try again... now with better understanding. My tank is usually at 27c but at least i can knock temperature out of the "probable cause" list.

Geez, you really HAVE to keep adding beautiful fish don't you? :-)

Thanks for the advice with the dwarves. I really love the venustus and multibar. Did get the venustus, but didn't make it past a week. Refused to eat. Still, will try again... now with better understanding. My tank is usually at 27c but at least i can knock temperature out of the "probable cause" list.


i like nice pretty non-conventional fish species. i don't know about you, but in my country, forcipiger, chelmon, marjorie, pseudocoris and anampses are just some of the many un-commonly kept fishes here.

i will be collecting my white bar maculosus angel and majestic out of QT later. so stay tuned for photos!

and as for venustus, it's a difficult fish. they die for nothing at times, and even die despite feeding too! this is my 5th attempt and if i fail, i will not buy one anymore. and all my previous 4 were feeding, but just died one day for no reason. could be collection problem.

multibars are easier. maybe you want to try them? but they are still difficult.

i would like multibar, venutus, colini and golden in one tank. but highly unlikely since all 4 are so difficult. i managed to pair all 4, get all pairs feeding, but in the end, all still died.
all my fish were quarantined before hand :) what i meant was i added in another 1 into my tank today which i had gotten from a LFS with too many marjories.

the new female marjorie was QTed for 2 weeks which i obtained from a different LFS as the other 2 females. i think 2 weeks is a little short though? i usually go for 3 minimum...i hypoed it

btw jmaney,

how do you quarantine male genicanthus angels?

i had a male watanabe in quarantine without any females but it changed into female within the 4 weeks of hypo. i wanted to put females in it but i had a friend who did that, and the male harassed the female to death in the tiny qt tank

Ah, good news. Ideally, IMO, youd want to QT for longer, but Im glad you had it out for some time to observe it. Fish stores, even the best ones, have so much in and out traffic of fish, parasites and pathogens are a foregone conclusion.

As for the genicanthus, I have QTed males with females. However, I have a theory about this genus. I dont think they actually change from male back to female. I think they just revert coloration to more subdued colors. To be honest, too, I have always had more difficulty keeping females together, than males with females. The female genicanthus are the real bullies of that genus, IMO.
Ah, good news. Ideally, IMO, youd want to QT for longer, but Im glad you had it out for some time to observe it. Fish stores, even the best ones, have so much in and out traffic of fish, parasites and pathogens are a foregone conclusion.

As for the genicanthus, I have QTed males with females. However, I have a theory about this genus. I dont think they actually change from male back to female. I think they just revert coloration to more subdued colors. To be honest, too, I have always had more difficulty keeping females together, than males with females. The female genicanthus are the real bullies of that genus, IMO.

i have though of that too. but my watanabe reverted back to perfect female colouration. too much of a coincidence. but what you say makes sense too. coz i've seen plenty of genicanthus that revert to something that looks neither like a male nor a female.


here's the rest of my fish out of QT.

i have though of that too. but my watanabe reverted back to perfect female colouration. too much of a coincidence. but what you say makes sense too. coz i've seen plenty of genicanthus that revert to something that looks neither like a male nor a female.

I would disagree. Again, I have no true evidence, but neither does anyone else, that Im aware of! Many animals that have flamboyant coloration can do this. Many waterfowl come to mind. Males are bright and dangerously obvious during breeding, to attract and "win" females. But during non breeding times, they go "eclipse", and become very dull and drab. Most experiences I have heard also end up with someone trying to repair the newly reconverted "female", only to have it fight mercilessly with the new male.
I would disagree. Again, I have no true evidence, but neither does anyone else, that Im aware of! Many animals that have flamboyant coloration can do this. Many waterfowl come to mind. Males are bright and dangerously obvious during breeding, to attract and "win" females. But during non breeding times, they go "eclipse", and become very dull and drab. Most experiences I have heard also end up with someone trying to repair the newly reconverted "female", only to have it fight mercilessly with the new male.

you're probably right then. females have atrocious behavior and it's not easy in "pairing". often the females will kill the males. i've experienced this before.

and yes fully agree with you that converted "females" and males are just WW3 waiting to happen.
you're probably right then. females have atrocious behavior and it's not easy in "pairing". often the females will kill the males. i've experienced this before.

and yes fully agree with you that converted "females" and males are just WW3 waiting to happen.

Yeah, I think thats because these "females" are really males, and putting two males together is foolhardy. But thats just my own perosnal theory. Like I said, no data to back it up.

Now, please take a full tank shot immediately for my viewing pleasure!
i like nice pretty non-conventional fish species. i don't know about you, but in my country, forcipiger, chelmon, marjorie, pseudocoris and anampses are just some of the many un-commonly kept fishes here.

i will be collecting my white bar maculosus angel and majestic out of QT later. so stay tuned for photos!

and as for venustus, it's a difficult fish. they die for nothing at times, and even die despite feeding too! this is my 5th attempt and if i fail, i will not buy one anymore. and all my previous 4 were feeding, but just died one day for no reason. could be collection problem.

multibars are easier. maybe you want to try them? but they are still difficult.

i would like multibar, venutus, colini and golden in one tank. but highly unlikely since all 4 are so difficult. i managed to pair all 4, get all pairs feeding, but in the end, all still died.

I'm pretty much trying to build a nice lil unconventional collection. Think it'll take some time though.

I'm pretty much obsessed with the venustus and multibar, and just hope i can get 'em soon. Really sad about the difficulty with venustus, beautiful fish. Multibar, venustus, colini AND golden, that'd be awesome!!!! short of getting a boylei

I did have an anampses (white tail), feeding and doing fine, until my coris formosa thought he was food in the sand. One inquisitive bite is all it took.

Thanks again and looking forward to your updates.
Yeah, I think thats because these "females" are really males, and putting two males together is foolhardy. But thats just my own perosnal theory. Like I said, no data to back it up.

Now, please take a full tank shot immediately for my viewing pleasure!

a full tank shot? sure. if' you like looking at a FOWLR! almost no corals at the moment so it's just liverock.

moreover, the tank is quite new so there's still diatoms on the sandbed :(
Thanks for the advice with the dwarves. I really love the venustus and multibar. Did get the venustus, but didn't make it past a week. Refused to eat. Still, will try again... now with better understanding. My tank is usually at 27c but at least i can knock temperature out of the "probable cause" list.

I experienced extremely short term success with mine, as well. After a long drip & temp acclimation, it seemed very comfortable with the tank after introduction. It wasn't secretive, and it was certainly curious & grazing. I never actually witnessed it eat (read: bite AND swallow, rather than bite/spit) prepared foods, but on day 3 it began to be reclusive & cryptic. Day 4 was spent practically lodged in rocks, so I removed the fish and placed it in my refugium. Day 5 it had passed :(

You can read up on other users good and bad experiences, and the low rate of success with the Venustus here: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1888217
I'm pretty much trying to build a nice lil unconventional collection. Think it'll take some time though.

I'm pretty much obsessed with the venustus and multibar, and just hope i can get 'em soon. Really sad about the difficulty with venustus, beautiful fish. Multibar, venustus, colini AND golden, that'd be awesome!!!! short of getting a boylei

I did have an anampses (white tail), feeding and doing fine, until my coris formosa thought he was food in the sand. One inquisitive bite is all it took.

Thanks again and looking forward to your updates.

oh no trouble at all. i like posting here :) friendly people.

paracentropyge species are generally difficult.

i like anampses. A. twistii is beautiful and i have one now. A. neoguinaicus is also gorgeous, but i'm always unlucky because i'm too slow to get the smaller ones during shipments :(

A. femininus is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! too bad there was only one and only specimen that made it here and i did not get it. Hopefully i can make an order and see it again and hopefully buy it.

A. chrysocephalus is another gorgeous one from Hawaii. Unfortunately very uncommon here and very very very rarely do we see females. Males never made it here before.

These above mentioned ones are in my opinion, one of the nicer and more interesting species of Anampses. The rest are just too boring and common.

Same with the leopard wrasses. I love M. choati but have had no success with this species before. Tried 3 times, all 3 times failed.
I experienced extremely short term success with mine, as well. After a long drip & temp acclimation, it seemed very comfortable with the tank after introduction. It wasn't secretive, and it was certainly curious & grazing. I never actually witnessed it eat (read: bite AND swallow, rather than bite/spit) prepared foods, but on day 3 it began to be reclusive & cryptic. Day 4 was spent practically lodged in rocks, so I removed the fish and placed it in my refugium. Day 5 it had passed :(

You can read up on other users good and bad experiences, and the low rate of success with the Venustus here: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1888217

that is what i experienced with most adult multibars and venustus too. they appear very healthy at the shop, and always fool you into getting them.

then initially seem very healthy in your tanks/QT, until they slowly get more reclusive and just die.

thank you for the link!
I have had a small colini in with my McCulloughs clowns for some time, and he is moderately reclusive, but has become quite hardy. I think locating a good collection source is key.

I have had a small colini in with my McCulloughs clowns for some time, and he is moderately reclusive, but has become quite hardy. I think locating a good collection source is key.


collection is essential for these angels. colinis from fiji are usually better than those from the philippines.

also how they collect too. sometimes i think cyanide is used since these are so cryptic. especially golden angels.