Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

collection is essential for these angels. sometimes i think cyanide is used since these are so cryptic. especially golden angels.

I agree with you, otherwise I don't think they would have such a "mysteriously" poor survival rate. In my experience, the only fish I've lost that were comfortably cruising the tank, grazing liverock/algae-sheets, and accepting live/frozen/pellet foods (yes, sometimes all 3) were Angels :(
Other than that, I've only lost one fish to disease, and one to jumping - but the rest have been mysteriously otherwise-thought-to-be-happy Angels :worried2: I've tried 2 Golden, and 1 Venustus - I'm waiting quite a while before taking another shot at either of them or a Colini.
having tried multibar and venustus so many times, i can tell you i'm getting quite bored with them honestly... so i'll probably stop if they die on me. i've had many feeding ones that just die for no reason and i'm so sad to see that happen again.

colinis are my favourite amongst the 4. so mysterious.
Very nice!!! I'm a bit surprised with the choice of a majestic though ...

We'd love to see an FTS, even though there are diatoms etc. Think that any budding reefer would see it, and its evolution in some time to a beautiful aquarium, and take heart.
Very nice!!! I'm a bit surprised with the choice of a majestic though ...

We'd love to see an FTS, even though there are diatoms etc. Think that any budding reefer would see it, and its evolution in some time to a beautiful aquarium, and take heart.

majestic, although a common fish, has always been one of my favourites and i love it because they come in 2.5-3 inch adults. which is small yet fully coloured.

will post a FTS tomorrow. it's night time where i am now and my tank lights are off :D
Have had a majestic for the last 2 years, but a coral nipper... he'll be off soon

Hope you have better luck with yours!
The tank is still within it's first few months so please please pardon the diatoms... and sheer untidiness!

I'm happy that the hair algae has been reduced and obliterated to a meer 5% from it's former reign over my tank. The diatom, has yet to meet it's demise. hopefully soon...

the front

believe it or not, the entire tank is scaped using only 11 pieces of liverock :D

i'm so proud of that! could have gone lesser to 9, but i felt it was such a waste since i over-bought. so i used 11.
That's incredible. I'm guessing having so few pieces made the aquascape either very simple, or insanely hard!

you can count from the front panel FTS. but that picture only shows 8-9 pieces. the other 2-3 is hidden.

it's very easy! i like scaping with big rocks.
Really nice!!

The scape looks awesome. The fish look really colorful, this will look excellent once complete. The tank is looking fruity!!!

I'm trying similar aquascaping, but finding it really annoying....
Really nice!!

The scape looks awesome. The fish look really colorful, this will look excellent once complete. The tank is looking fruity!!!

I'm trying similar aquascaping, but finding it really annoying....

haha yesh fruity! fruits are healthy especially lemons.

i hope so. the algae problem is really irritating now and even regular water changes don't seem to do much. just got to wait it out i guess?

don't lose heart. aquascaping can be a PITA or can be really fun. try again. at the end of the day, the minor details can be ignored. the main structure is more important coz if you're going to cover it up with corals once it's done, the little details won't matter.
My problem with scaping is that i have a huge amount of FLAT rock which is a complete PITA. I pretty much have to break the rock down, and glue small pieces. And I'm pretty insane about the way I want it to look, so I keep rearranging stuff which is terrible, I know.

Hopefully once these are glued in, I'll have a decent and FINAL scape, which I hopefully will never touch. You've alreday got a pretty much perfect scape for a tank that shape, and with those fish. Since they like to pick on rocks, they'll look really neat between the caverns.

I'm having a huge problem with diatoms, courtesy my ro/di being rubbish. Have changed that. Added a small sea cucumber against my better judgement and he's really slow. Still waiting.....
My pair of C. loricula awaiting to go into the display, here in a holding box first. These two came from the Philippines instead of Hawaii and nearby Islands. Philippine flames are rarer. Unfortunately, these aren't the rusty x flame hybrid. But i won't dismiss the fact that somewhere in their family tree, they could actually harbor some rusty angel blood. They are very orange and posess some spots on the dorsal and anal. obviously not a true hybrid, but i'm juz saying, are the chances of them having even 1% of rusty angel blood probable? I mean, flames are rare in Philippines, its a high chance somewhere along the line, one of these two's ancestors could have mated with a rusty.

anyway, i like them coz they're only 1 inch. and coz they are so orange.

here's the sheila.
