you know, I did think about it. guess I'd be considering it more if I didn't have my hands full for the time being.
works busy on and off, this week I have some free time so Ive been painting. no matter how you slice it, it takes several days to get all the coats on, especially when you're painting masonry that soaks in alot of paint heheh.
I also still really want to improve the supports under my tank. contractor who did the work did a less than impressive job. almost every contractor ive hired lately seems to cut corners and do a crappy job. damn housing boom in the area has made everybody a contractor and flooded even good companies with tons of new hires. if not for the DIY forums here I'd be totally screwed.
6 months ago I asked what a fence was on a table saw. dead serious. now they have me planing and jointing too!