Let's see SPS tank pics from Two-Part Dosers only (including Kalk drippers)!

Thanks guys:D

FWIW I know one very experienced sps keeper in my neck of the woods that is actually getting rid of his Ca reactor to have more control over not only Ca and alk but also to incorporate a system to dose trace elements as well.

There are many nice 2 part tanks out there.

Bottom line is dosing 2 part works just as well as a Ca reactor. If you use Randy's recipe and a dosing pump it's every bit if not more economical and just as easy as far as time input. Between the two it's really whatever you prefer or feel more comfortable with.

FWIW, Chris
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8189353#post8189353 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sacramentodots
Mine is still on the younger side,(1yr). I just got a doser and plan on going that route for awhile using Randy's formula.


Very nice tank.

How do you keep your bottom that clean tho? Do you have maxi-jets hidden behind the rocks shooting at the bottom? or just siphon very often? Looks great!!
Some nice tanks guys....

Not in the the same category as these tanks but Here is my young 55g. I have been using Randys' DIY 2 part on a aquamedic twin for a few months now. I really like this method....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8191481#post8191481 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alebrun
What is this randys diy 2 part?

Go to the chemistry forum, I believe Randy has it as a "sticky" thread.
I drip Kalk 24/7 as my makeup water. No other additives. Parameters stay right in line. I do a 5 gallon water change every other week and skim extremely wet..

Here is a video

My reef

And some recent top down pics




Good Thread -
Dosing only Randy's 2-part here. You will be surpised at how much I'm using. Heavily stocked SPS 120 gal tank.
150 total Gal system.
I use a single dosing pump for my Alk. I mix Randy's standard Recipe 1, making up 1 gallon of the solution as he recommends. I then pour the whole gallon into an approx 12 gallon container and dose at a rate of 40ml/hour. Not sure on the accuracy of the dosing pump, the solutions lasts between 3 and 4 weeks before I have to do it all over again.
Alk stays VERY constant at 7.8 - 8.0 DKH.
I am extremly happy with this arrangement, I dont have to touch it for about a month.

For Calcium. I am just now getting a good handle and am amazed at how much I am using to stay at 420 ppm. I'm using Dowflake - I mix the one gallon as suggested in Randy's Recipe #1. I pour 24 ounces into a container and let it sit in the stand next to the sump. Very easy, I just pour a little in per day, maybe 8 ounces. I need to fill the container twice per week, I use Sunday as my starting point. I need to add 48 ounces per Week to stay at 420ppm, that's over 1400ml if your counting. I'm thinking about making up a stronger solution, but there is really no point to it. I may just make up a bigger batch.

MG is easy as stated by others. I make up a solution as per Randy's Recipe, and just add it to my Water Changes.

I've been using this stuff since it's inception by Randy, took me a while to automate as good as it is. It may sound bad but it really is easy.

Anyway, you asked for a photo. Side view of the tank.

okay let me add mine to the mix...i use the B-ionic 2 part'r for over 3 years now, i don't use a Calcium Reactor....Currenlty i'm adding 80mls of each daily now!


Couple close ups as well.



Rich K.

1. Tank Size = 90g
2. 135ml/day of Randy's DIY Recipe #1 Ca
3. 135ml/day of Randy's DIY Recipe #1 Alk
4. Mg checked everyonce in a while & dosed w/Randy's DIY Recipe (about every 2 weeks or so). Drip kalkwasser for 100% of the topoff
5. 10g/week water change using IO dosed with 40ml of DIY Ca
I drip Kalk 24/7 from a 10 gallon resevoir w/ no other supplements. This feeds both my 75 and 30 gallon tanks. I used to have to use Randy's 2 part when I was using a Kent drip doser but noticed that when I put in my Nautilus II med doser, I didn't have use Randy's to boost it up.

I only have actinic pics at work so here they are!


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8194747#post8194747 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Covey
Mrs. Wage and natural sunlight your tank has got to be dirt cheap to operate!

Not too bad.. My (02) Seio 1500's and Mag9 return suck up plenty of juice unfortunately.. One day I'll have to hook up a Wattage Meter and see how much I actually use.

My average Electric Bill is $180.00. I have (02) Central AC/Heat pump units, about 2600 sq ft home, family of 5, electric hot water heater if that tells you anything...
Re: Let's see SPS tank pics from Two-Part Dosers only (including Kalk drippers)!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8169949#post8169949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dirtyreefer
I am one of those few people that cannot afford a calcium reactor right now. I am dosing CaCl as well as baking soda (along with dripping Kalk) to keep up with the demand of my SPS, but I have never seen how other's tanks fare with dosing this method.

Also, if you post a pic can you give a little details about your tank.

1. Tank Size
2. Amount of CaCl dosed (per day or otherwise)
3. Amount of baking soda dosed
4. Amount of Magnesium or any other supplements dosed
5. Water change ritual

Thanks for posting! :)

1. 46G/150l
2. 25ml, dry powder mixed with of water, every 1/3 days and dripped in
3. 15ml, dry and mixed with water for 2/3 days, dripped in
4. 50ml, MgCl2, and 1 tsp of Strontium weekly
5. about 25l/week is replaced by wet skimming and syphoning

pic was taken in July, kept some SPS for a friend and they were taken back by recently. :)

That picture was taken about three weeks ago.....

which happens to be around the same time I took out 7 gallons of sand out of the tank and went BB, 1 cup at a time.....just about have all the hidden stuff out now.......

I took out the sand so I can increase the flow as most do, but have noticed that while some coral look better, others have lightened, albiet from the loss of nutrients in the water. Time will tell. I suspect it could be the clarity of the water increased and they faded a little?

To offset this, I am feeding a little bit more and have added a fish, which is always cool, but am planning on upping my monthly water changes by 10g to 30g total out of 75g+15g sump.....which should be equivalent in the end...I just didn't want that uncontrollable nutrient decay and sandstorm present.....but reading a recent article said that BB tanks were all the rage 10years+ ago which is before the opposite thinking that led to DSBs becoming the rage.....is the old is new again?

Overall I am happy with the results of the BB tank and don't want to go back if I have too...but found myself eyeing my sump which is now starting to grow algae in the new light and comtemplating an easy refugium setup......thats the M.E. in me, always messing with the setup!!!!

To keep in the spirit of the thread however, I just unpacked a Sentry doser from Marine Depot and plan on hooking it up to the two part this weekend. Anyone use one and have any tips?
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8192347#post8192347 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JMBoehling
I drip Kalk 24/7 as my makeup water. No other additives. Parameters stay right in line. I do a 5 gallon water change every other week and skim extremely wet.

Yes!!!! love to see someone with the nerve to keep an anenome with SPS.......when you have an anemome in your tank inches away from your prized SPS everyday with the fear it will drift and sting them.......now thats takes some guts!!!

New thread: "Show me how close you mount your $80 SPS frags to your anenome" If the pic was close enough you would notice mine are on the OPPOSITE side of the tank.....
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8197350#post8197350 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sacramentodots
Yes!!!! love to see someone with the nerve to keep an anenome with SPS.......when you have an anemome in your tank inches away from your prized SPS everyday with the fear it will drift and sting them.......now thats takes some guts!!!

It is interesting that my anemone has not moved in over a year. Once they anchor to a couple rocks and are kept fed, they seem reluctant to move around. I also am now mounting all my SPS on Magnetic plugs to the back of my glass so I can move them around my tank when need be, and easily remove them for fragging and treating, etc.

So far I have been amazed at how well just dripping Kalk keeps my BB system numbers in check. PH swing is 8.2 in the AM to 8.32 in the late afternoon. ALK, Calcium and Mag stay very stable and well within NSW limits. I think the crucial part is keeping my system as Detritus free as possible and never allowing it to accumulate and become a Alk and Calcium sink, hence no need for a calc reactor.

Now, things may change when my Mini Colonies turn into huge ones.. So far, Mrs Wagers is keeping up the demand of my 50 or so individual SPS. Check back in in a year or so ;)


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8188352#post8188352 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishdoc11
Old tank (90 gal):


New tank setup a few months ago (120 gal):


I used Kent 2 part for years and have been using randy's for probably at least a year. I am using ~ 100ml of each a day right now. No Mg other than in every 2 or 3 week water changes of 20 gallons or so on a 140 gallon system. I ran a kalk dispenser on the old tank and haven't gotten around to setting up my kalk reactor on this one.

hth, Chris

Awesome Tanks Chris!!! Any pictures of any corals I had sent you??? When I get the camera out on my new tank I'll show you some of the ones you sent me :)

I've been using Farley's 2 part for over a year and can honestly say things have grown like weeds:) It worked so well I couldn;t keep up with stuff growing onto the glass.....



