Long Island LFS information list

I don't agree with this. all the sps tanks are always brown. the place was a wreck last year when the guy dom was ripping everyone off. since he got the boot and started working at country critters CBA has gotten cheaper, but I never leave with anything.

tropical island in deer park ALWAYS has great coral and fish. if they don't have it they are more than happy to order it for you. the staff is great, friendly, and they all really know what they're talking about. GREAT store!

This is a good store as well but the selection of corals is dismal compared to cba in bayshore, and the tanks are in pristine condition, have you been in there as of late?
This is a good store as well but the selection of corals is dismal compared to cba in bayshore, and the tanks are in pristine condition, have you been in there as of late?

I stop in there at least once every other week, I never leave with anything. I wanted one of the RBTA they had and they told me it wasn't for sale last time I was in there. I looked at him like he was crazy and left. everything they have is either green or brown. if you want any kind of color you gotta goto deer park.
great call on tropical island aquarium, best store i have seen so far in this hobby...

got my new phantom clown yesterday.


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I heard that cba under new owner now , I went there for their halloween sale and after since i always stop by there. They have big reef tank in the front and all well stocked with corals and fish. Tropical island yes has very nice corals and so does av but for selection wise and choice and price i'd say cba has them all..
Caribbean blue aquatics in bay shore hands down has the biggest selection Tropical island in deer park is good as well , but a tenth of the size. Both stores are maintained well. Country critters is hands down the worst run, most overpriced, dirty, store I've been to, and I've been to almost every store on the island. They're a disgrace and should be shut down for the things they try to pull
I too agree that CBA has one of the best (if not the best) selection on Long Island. The corals are priced a little high, but the selection is great and the fish in their tanks consistently look healthy. I've dealt with Steve on a number of occasions, and he has always been helpful and taken a lot of time to discuss aquarium setups with me, even though he had no guarantee of a sale. Country Critters has a good selection of corals, but their fish regularly have health problems, and they frequently carry stock that should not be used for home aquariums (e.g., mid-water fish, fish that will become much too large for anything less than 1000 gallons, etc.). I avoid CC as much as possible.
ive got to give props to Caribbean blue. That store has been turned around. I always have a good experience when i go there now. the dudes who work there are extremely helpful. sometimes way too busy but when you get their attention, they are personable and good to deal with. keep it up CBA
ive got to give props to Caribbean blue. That store has been turned around. I always have a good experience when i go there now. the dudes who work there are extremely helpful. sometimes way too busy but when you get their attention, they are personable and good to deal with. keep it up CBA

I was in there a few times the past 2 weeks and I thought all the tanks on the left looked like absolute crap. I've also been denied twice when I wanted to buy something that "wasn't for sale" because they didn't know how to get it out of the tank. somehow they figured it out with someone else tho because both things were gone.
The coral tanks on the left do look like they could use the glass cleaned, but the corals do look healthy. They've slimmed down their reptile selection and expanded their saltwater section which is good for us I think, but they will have to figure out the saltwater takes more maintenance. I too am hoping they expand a frag section. Hopefully they'll start buying some frags from u LIRA frag farmers to sell! Win/win situation!
The coral tanks on the left do look like they could use the glass cleaned, but the corals do look healthy. They've slimmed down their reptile selection and expanded their saltwater section which is good for us I think, but they will have to figure out the saltwater takes more maintenance. I too am hoping they expand a frag section. Hopefully they'll start buying some frags from u LIRA frag farmers to sell! Win/win situation!

idk all the sps was brown/white and not looking good at all. they added a few tanks to the far left that looked nice from far, but were covered with cyano when you got close. I have been very disappointed with both country critters and the place in bayshore lately. the small shop on 231 always has clean tanks, but they are a little on the expensive side. I have never been disappointed going out there.
I must stand corrected on Caribbean Blue Aquatics. I have not been in there since before the change in management. I stopped in there today. They had added a ton of tanks with lots of corals and clams at good prices. Changes out some of their crappy lighting and now stock some better dry goods.

The smaller tanks that are part of their big rack system still look like crap. Mostly filled with Dino and Cyano. They don't have any flow in those tanks and they are overcrowded with a ton of dead spots.

So good on them for stepping up their game. They just need to address some pricing issues and the older tanks and they will be good to go. For sure I am checking them out again...