Long Island LFS information list

I went to a place in Wantagh called Aquarium Dreams right on Merrick RD about 5 minutes east of Mutts and Butts. Not bad Prices.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9741782#post9741782 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by md14fish
I went to a place in Wantagh called Aquarium Dreams right on Merrick RD about 5 minutes east of Mutts and Butts. Not bad Prices.
I must have driven past that place 10 times... I've never stopped to go in. I guess I have to now :)
Les at Fishy Inc in Bayshore has some really nice frags, pretty inexpensive. Definately worth the trip. I was there a few weeks ago and picked one up for $20. I prefer to buy frags and watch them grow, rather than spend a lot for larger corals.
There are a bunch of us coming down from Connecticut to Atlantis this summer. We want to hit a fish & coral store while we are there. We were thinking Country Critters (I was there a couple years ago and it was pretty good). Are there any other stores closer?
I hate magic isle. They are so rude and they don't know what they are talking about. I love aqua hut and suffolk reef. Suffolk reef has nice corals but are high in price IMO. Aqua hut has better prices but you have to go on the weekend after they get their shipments out from friday. They sell out pretty fast. Both have GREAt customer service. I was talking to the guy that works at aquahut and he said that they do not talk on the phone at all. I think he turns the ringer off. Its on;y for him to make outgoing calls. He claims that instead of running around all day getting prices on things they can spend thier time working one on one with customers.
Hans CC is really pricey but they have good stuff.... If you are going to make the trip anyway I would do Suffolk County Fish and Reef then CC and Finally Aquahut. There are also some decent stores but they are further west. I must miss all the Coral shipments to Aquahut because I never see anything there. They do get allot of dead fish :(

I have noticed SCFR's prices dropping a bit and the frag tank they have is reasonable. ALso their filter room is a sight to see. Anyone ever take a look at those skimmers? HUGE LOL
I am new to this forum as well as the hobby. But I know we can find out local fish stores from the Yahoo yellow pages. Hope this is helpful.
scfr has had some realy nice peices latley like 4-5 inch acro colonies in nice colors for around 75-100 dollers. i personaly scored 2 micros for 75 a peice
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10075792#post10075792 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Neurotech
Did anybody else pick up any croceas at Aquahut last month?

I didn't. But I saw they had a bunch last month. Maybe still have a few left.
I got a croceas from Les about two weeks ago. It's my first clam and I love it! His stuff sells out fast, so I don't know if he has any left, but they were really nice.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10102785#post10102785 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by drej424
I got a croceas from Les about two weeks ago. It's my first clam and I love it! His stuff sells out fast, so I don't know if he has any left, but they were really nice.


I was in there Thursday, and had a tough time leaving without that big orange Gigas........
Greetings from out West!

When I was a teenager (late '70s) I worked at a LFS in the Sun Vet Mall (Holbrook) called "Fish Nook"; they had both fresh and SW fish and supplies... I know that place is long gone, but does the Sun Vet Mall have a LFS / Pet store anymore?

Also, whatever happened to "BJs Jungle" (maybe 'Js Jungle'?) that was on Sunrise Hwy in Islip or Bay Shore? That place was famous for selling "exotic" pets like Lion cubs or baby alligators and crap like that... is that place still around?

Thanks for the info :D
BTJ's Jungle had a fire, about two years ago. It happened at night, and all animals were lost with the exception of a turkey or a duck that lived outside or something like that. Pyro 383 that posts in this forum is a fireman in the area, and could probably tell you a little more detail.
They moved to the south side of Sunrise Hwy, a few blocks east of where they were.
I'm not sure about the Sun Vet Mall.