Long Island LFS information list

They have ok prices on supplements and dry goods; they have a decent amount of fish, corals are lacking. Mutts and Butts down the road has a much better coral selection.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10144804#post10144804 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by romain
Aquarium Dreams

3032 Merrick Road, Wantagh
(516) 221-6284

Is anyone familiar with this LFS? Looks like they have decent coral and fish selections.

I can't get anyone on the phone. After several rings, I get a recording that says my call can't be completed as dialed.
Petland Discounts in Oceanside is not going to be selling saltwater animals anymore. They may or may not continue selling dry goods.
I don't know the condition of their live rock, but they told me (on the phone) that it's up for grabs "cheap"
IMO I wouldn't buy anything in BTJ's except dry goods.. and even that I shake the bag out before bringing it into the house for roaches! :eek:
I don't know how they ever past an ASPCA inspection...maybe they (the inspectors) couldn't get pass the smell of urine ,feces and room deodorizer :mad: ....
I found it ironic that people cried over the death of so many animals ..BUT never once said anything about the deplorable way and filth they were kept in. Ignorance is bliss I guess... :rolleyes:
But then again that is just my and only my personal opinion.. :confused:
I agree it is a very bad store.

It looks like the town isn't giving them a building permit to rebuild, or they just gave up.
I too find the condition and health of the animals deplorable.
I also have heard some things about the accidental fires.
Aquarium Design Network

Aquarium Design Network

why was my post for my new store deleted??? I figured if it could be anywhere on this forum it would be in the "LFS info thread"......maybe I'm crazy. Is it just that me personally posting it is not allowed???? Is it ok if someone else posts the exact same info as long as they are not a part of it????? I don't get it. I posted the info and it got deleted and not even added to the list of stores.
Reef Central does not allow you to post in promotion of your store. When your post was removed, you should have gotten an email or PM telling you why. If you read the [ua] that you electronically signed when you joined, it's quite clear that you may not make commercial posts.
No sense in continuing this here, send me a PM or you can email any RC Mod, Staff or Admin at their username@ReefCentral.com.
In the process of my move to my new house :), I broke one of my bulkheads, and anybody who lives in Huntington knows tghe value of Selmers (not) any way so i was in need of a new bulkhead and was able to get in touch with LFSmarineguy about obtaining a replacement bulkhead. While the store was not open yet, i met up with them to get a bulkhead, in the process I got a tour what they are planning for the store, and from what I saw it looks like a good store has finally come to Huntington:)
I have heard amazing plans with the store in Huntington, mega bucks on a AudioVideo/Fish Room, most of us have been dreaming of. I plan to swing by friday if they let me have a peek before they open the doors to the public.
The story I heard was that a maintenance guy that worked for Aquarium Avan teamed up with a guy making cabinets.

Only experience is being a glass cleaner.
So is this place open? Can someone else post the info besides the owner( what ever that means). I don't want to drive around looking for whatchamacallit to find out can't post my hours is closed.
I just came from the store front & was lucky enough to see the other partners "Audio/Video" show place. I believe the Building that is color BLUE right on E. Jericoh Trnpke is hard to miss "aquarium Design" i think it said in front, about 1 mile from 110. Looks promising.....we shall see........Diamond in the rough? maybe. the people behind it appears to know what they are doing & could possibly be a LI version of the Ultra Hi-End place in Greenwich CT, if they stick to the game plan, like I said, very promising.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10469232#post10469232 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefly
The story I heard was that a maintenance guy that worked for Aquarium Avan teamed up with a guy making cabinets.

Only experience is being a glass cleaner.

IM really starting to get anoyed with your negative remarks dude. you are the "only" persoon I know that seems to not like other fish stores in Long Island, except Pets Warehouse. I know they are well stocked & competetively priced, but the more competetion the better it is for end users like us.....hmmmmmm, maybe you are NOT an end user like us?:confused: