Thanks for the offers guys. I wont be shy on taking you up on it :lol: . I just did a 40g water change, which was about 50%. I matched pH, temp, SG and alkalinity, which is much more than I do on a standard water change.
At this point the angel is definantly doing some damage. But I just cant tell if he is nipping because they are unhealthy, or vice versa. Or if it is a combination, which I think is more likely. He probably used to nip some, but now that the corals are weakened it damages them more, and maybe he is nipping more as well. I don't believe it is only nipping because many pieces had uniform tissue thinning throughout the whole piece. It also showed up rather abruptly on multiple (10 or so) pieces in about 2 or 3 days. But now I am seeing a lot of patchyness and missing tips. Just watching the tank I can see him nipping a lot more than he used to. I think I am going to remove the tang, rabbit, and angel, and stick with extremely reef safe stuff. Even if he isn't the main cause, I dont like that every time something goes wrong there is that uncertianty that maybe its him, maybe its not.