Lots of water, or What the heck are you thinking

Just saw this thread, pretty cool. guess I have a mini version of this system.

180 - display(72 x 24 x 24)
90 gal - sps prop (48" x "36" x 13")
100 stock tank - softy prop
70 stock tank - main sump
30 gal - Refugium

Cool thread

NewMariner said:
Yea I saw the site....still didnt give me any ideas on how you are going to seal the rubbermaids up though.

I bet the gaskets will be CNC into the acrylic covers that will go over top of the sumps. From his previous post he will then clamp the acrylic top down, thus creating an air and water tight seal.

How much flow are you going to have through those sumps. I would just be worried about oxygen levels getting low if the flow through isn't great enough. Although I would guess that the macros could also help take care of that issue too. I like it.

Are you concerned at all about salt build up on the arcylic covers? It would be a pain to have to wipe them down every week or so. What about heat issues? With the refuges sealed you could have some heat concerns.
Green Board. No way, use concrete backing board. This has Mold remediation written all over it. It loves that cellulose paper on the sheet rock Green or not. You would have to buy a huge dehumidifier to suck the moisture out of this one. I like the ambition though. Good luck.
I think I did say "at a minimum". It would also depend on what you coated the greenboard with.

When designing my fish room I had the luxury from starting from scratch as we were building an addition. I had my architect deisign what he thought would be needed and given that he has designed many homes with indoor swimming pools, I think he had some experience here. I then added to it.

My room is 100% greenboard (which raised a few inspectors eyebrows) and coated with some sort of elastomeric paint and polyuerothane (3 coats if I remember), gave the painters fits being in that little room with those fumes. The floor is tiled with a drain in the middle. There is a 250 cfm commercial rated bathroom exhaust fan wired to a combination thermastat/dehumidistat that turns the exhust fan on if the temp or humidity rise above a number that I am able to set. I also have a separate AC unit just for the fish room rated at about 3-5 times the square footage.

AND the kicker, living in the desert helps a little with average humidity around 10%. It was kind of funny when my wife walked into that room and asked me why the walls were so shiny.

The results have been that there is no noticeable himidity difference in that room, no mold noticed at any of my monthly inspections (kind of paranoid about that), and no need for a chiller on my system. The average temp in the room is 75 degrees and the tank temp stays between 79 and 81. If my room AC goes out, all I will have to do is open the front access doors or the door to the room and put a fan in there to get air from the main room. It has it's own system as well. The make-up air (due to the exhaust fan) that feeds the room when the exhaust fan is running comes from the main room which is also kept around 73 degrees, 70 in the winter.

The tank has been up for about 14 months now and no problems related to temp or humidity so far, knock on wood.

It will be very interesting to hear how those gaskets end up working out and if your tank runs hot. All that exposed wood would just make me worry, gaskets or no gaskets.

Good luck with the project and keep us posted. It still might be a good idea to add an exhaust fan on a dehumidistat, IMO.
What do you plan on keeping in these sumps? Are they just water volume or do you expect to hang lights over them and such?

If you keep them sealed, condensation will be all over the plexiglass which if exposed to light will quickly be coralline or algae covered blocking the light.
Man, I'm gonna tell ya I do not see the point. I you wanted more water volume get a bigger tank. Or start another tank in the utility room instead of refugiums. With that much space you can do so much more and obviously you have the money.

Just my $.02

P.S. That main tank is goona be nice.
lol wow the criticism is far more unbelievable then I could have imagined.

My favorite is "you have to wind your way to the washer" OMFG now that was a reach. I won't be updating this thread.

Good luck guys I will check in to RC from time to time but really it's not that much fun to type the same thing over and over about the humidity thing. I explained it and ya still don't get it.

have fun with whatever you are doing and I will have fun with what I am doing

that's a bummer, I was looking forward to more PICS!! don't let the naysayers get you down, share with us!:D
I agree, don't let a few naysayers ruin this forum for you. I'm looking forward to seeing this come together and of course more pics. However, if you can't take a few people critizing then maybe the internet isn't for you, especially RC. Good luck with whatever you decide and, FWIW, I hope you continue with the updates.
No biggie.I did that once for a Betta fish bowl...............only kidding ofcourse..........keep us informed how it goes........good luck,that is surely impressive.
No biggie.Did that once for a Betta fish bowl........only kidding ofcourse....very impressive though..........keep us informed and good luck
Sounds like most of them are jealous. Have fun setting it up. Worst case senario- you take it down make some changes and put it back up. Half the fun is figuring this stuff out.
Have fun setting it up. Worst case senario- you take it down make some changes and put it back up. Half the fun is figuring this stuff out.

at last someone who gets it :)

I got some good advice I think over at TCMAS about taking one of the fuges down and making it a frag tank I like the idea. I think I can put it over the sump there is a lot of room there. I just need to modify the deck a bit.
Northside, I have a basement sump.. not as grand as yours.. :) I was planning on adding a 250g storage tank to the system for more volume.. so I have a few questions for you... do you plan on keeping yours in the light or dark? and do you plan on insulating it?

My one question, how in the worls did you caculate the drain down volume for the sump in the event of a power failure?!!! My method is just set it up, and pray when I shut the breaker off :) i usually get it right, but WOW that had to take some time!!!
Hope this dont end on bad terms. I see your point but also the guys bring up some valiuable info. Have to tank good opinions with the bad. And there are alot of different people reading and trying to understand so your going to have to repeat or explain. Your money do what u want with it but people just trying to help. Good luck ill be following along.
Interesting ideas thus far. It should be worth reading in the months to come, not matter what the outcome.

With that much water in the system, do you anticipate doing less water changes since you'll only have a 280g reef with 75% non-reef water in the system?