Northside Reef
Premium Member
so I have a few questions for you... do you plan on keeping yours in the light or dark? and do you plan on insulating it?
pretty much right where they sit.
My one question, how in the worls did you caculate the drain down volume for the sump in the event of a power failure
I just calculated it as though the tubing was square so (in inches) Height x Width x Length /231 should be close enough. also there is a floor drain right next to the sump that I will plumb over to incase I was wrong.
Hope this dont end on bad terms. I see your point but also the guys bring up some valiuable info. Have to tank good opinions with the bad. And there are alot of different people reading and trying to understand so your going to have to repeat or explain. Your money do what u want with it but people just trying to help. Good luck ill be following along.
You are right of course and maybe yesterday was a bad day but the humidity thing was becoming a dead horse that if I do stay with this thread I no longer intend to address. If my plan does not work I will step up and say so however.
With that much water in the system, do you anticipate doing less water changes since you'll only have a 280g reef with 75% non-reef water in the system?
I do plan to do water changes right now I do 10% per week I hope to be able to do fewer and I will base it on tank volume not system volume. so 10 % of the 280
How much flow are you going to have through those sumps. I would just be worried about oxygen levels getting low if the flow through isn't great enough. Although I would guess that the macros could also help take care of that issue too. I like it.
in the main tank there should be adequate surface movement to keep DO at the right levels. Also there will be 2 MRC 3 skimmers (one on each reservoir) that should also help in this area.