Lots of water, or What the heck are you thinking

It is very slow, the 5 or so inches it has to extend take about 10 seconds, (guessing I did not time it) but it is only to access deep inside the tank for things like landscaping and cleaning. the front will have a hinged door for everyday tasks.
WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING!!!! No really that stand is SWEET!!!! I wish I lived closer, I would love to be a part of that project!!
Nate D
That is awesome! I love it. It really is tempting to get one to raise and lower my future canopy door. Are you going to wire it like Scott said, with a normal switch instead of that wired controller? My door needs to rise 12" I believe, and the actuator only moves it 10". Hmmm.

The two bulbs are quite similar, but I'd probably get the non-dimpled one. Or get one of each, and try them both. Neither lists the PAR rating, so all you can go with is wattage and spectrum. Both are the same.
melev said:
That is awesome! I love it. It really is tempting to get one to raise and lower my future canopy door. Are you going to wire it like Scott said, with a normal switch instead of that wired controller? My door needs to rise 12" I believe, and the actuator only moves it 10". Hmmm.

The two bulbs are quite similar, but I'd probably get the non-dimpled one. Or get one of each, and try them both. Neither lists the PAR rating, so all you can go with is wattage and spectrum. Both are the same.

Marc, the way I have the actuator installed it is only extending about 5" to move the front of the canopy nearly 2'

I am only going to make a couple of slight modifications to the actuator.

the power supply only has about a 6" cable (to plug into the motor) so I will splice that to make it fit under the stand.

I like the controller that came with the unit just fine. Except I think I am going to reverse the polarity of the motor leads because the way the controller is attached to the cord the natural way you hold it in your hand the up and down arrows face the wrong way.

On the bulbs I am undecided 2 or 3 per refugium?
Northside, you need to rename this thread "MonsterReef"!!!
I love following this thread and seeing your project develop. Brilliant idea on the actuators.

Taniaza1 said:
Northside, you need to rename this thread "MonsterReef"!!!
I love following this thread and seeing your project develop. Brilliant idea on the actuators.


Thank you Tania but the idea belongs to Scott (Sidewinder)
he suggested the actuator :)
I understand what you are saying, but my canopy will slide straight up, basically like a garage door or perhaps a better comparison would be a butler's pantry. I want the door to go right up, then come right back down. The plan is to use heavy duty drawer guides at each end, similar to a file cabinet. If I install counter weights from the canopy door to a spot in the fish room, or perhaps within the two columns hugging the tank, it will result in a virtually weightless canopy. This device would eliminate the need for counter weights.
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I will get the manufacturers name and number for you, I am sure they make more then one model :)

the stand is with the welder I will have to look tomorrow.

I saw a US number right on the motor so we should be good to go.
I have 600 gallons made so far I want to do a bit more work on the decks before I fill the refugiums.

BTW the RO/DI works awesome thank you!!