Lots of water, or What the heck are you thinking

Northside - That is why I asked the what do you want the check valve for question; sounds like ya got it under control. :D
I found out that small holes used to break siphons can fail. They have to be reamed out to prevent plugging with algea or debris. Kind of a wet lesson:).
You're not married are you?

You're not married are you?

I say that because I would NEVER let me husband put all that in my laundry room and make it so hard to do laundry!

With that said he DOES have a room dedicated to his 700 Gallon Reef tank, so I am not a total control freak as some would think. Just come on, don't make my life too difficult or you'll never hear the end of it! LOL!
Re: You're not married are you?

Re: You're not married are you?

700GalStarfire said:
I say that because I would NEVER let me husband put all that in my laundry room and make it so hard to do laundry!

With that said he DOES have a room dedicated to his 700 Gallon Reef tank, so I am not a total control freak as some would think. Just come on, don't make my life too difficult or you'll never hear the end of it! LOL!

I am pretty sure I would have much larger issues if I told my wife the laundry room was ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œhersââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ :D
The laundry room is my wife's...and she claims that. She wont even let me touch any of the close except to pick my folded stuff up....ohhh the agony :lol:

She did say that the tank room is mine and I can do what ever...hence why there is a 6x3x2 tank that will go from the floor to the ceiling in a 10x10x8 room :lol: Not to mention the hole in the wall I will make to hook up my pumps/chiller outside next to the house.
redpyro said:
remember mr.4000 humidity destroyed that guys house

Details, details, please...! What happend exactly? I have read his (no defunct) web site using the way back machine in the internet archives but I would love to hear updated details on what happened to the tank, him, house, etc...

I am planning to build a new house (stone & concrete) and in the center of it plan to do a very large reef tank. There will be windows to each of the major rooms from the tank. The reef tank will not be open to the house in an effort to control humidity. I am finding very little information on very large tanks, especially those made of concrete with glazing panel portals.

Soo... what happened to Mr. 4000? Details?!? Other pointers to other large tanks? (esp. if made of concrete and glass but any appreciated!)

in Vermont
on a mountain
in the sunshine
Basically, Mr. 4000 had a large tank in his basement that had no ventelation. The humidity ate away the wood that was directly above the tank.
This is such an intense project.
I am definitely on the ride for this one.
Keep us posted and thanks for sharing!!

wonrib00 said:
Basically, Mr. 4000 had a large tank in his basement that had no ventelation. The humidity ate away the wood that was directly above the tank.

Hmm... so where is he now? His site is gone.
he is OUT of the hobby. he stated that NOTHING would compare to the 4000gallon tank...and he can't afford or couldn't do it...so he is out

Hey guys, here are a few pics of the stand with the linear actuator installed and working :)

Front down

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/P5170030.jpg">

Front up

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/P5170031.jpg">

Side down

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/sidedown.jpg">

Side up

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/sideup.jpg">
a couple of close ups of the actuator

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/closeup2.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/closeup1.jpg">
Tomorrow I pick up the covers for the refugiums. I will get some pics of those, before and after gaskets are installed. I am not sure if I will be able to post them tomorrow or not a friend asked to use the camera he may pick it up tomorrow as well.

I was really hoping to have this system up by July, but things are looking like I wonââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t make it. I still need to cure between 300-400 pounds of live rock and I would really like to let that rock set in QT for a while before I move on with the rest of the build.

I will post pictures as things progress.

Oh yeah the MR-3 should be here any day so I will have one of the reservoirs fully functioning soon