Lunchbucket's 48"x48"x20" Reef

I'm seeing it now. :lol: Did you glue any plumbing together yet, or are you going to wait until this weekend?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12535201#post12535201 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
I'm seeing it now. :lol: Did you glue any plumbing together yet, or are you going to wait until this weekend?

Glued from the intake and output of the pump up to the 1st DUBV and stopped. Wanted that to set up for 24hrs and I needed to switch the plumbing like you suggested for a mock up.

I am completely ripping off all of our siding and windows and removing the "buffalo board" that they sheeted w/. Replacing all the sheeting w/ 1/2" OSB, tyvak, windows (new), and I'm gonna be busy for the next 5-7days so no plumbing unless I get some time at night. I will get stuff mocked up and get a pic to see what you guys think. I'm having trouble w/ one of my outlets w/ the change of placement.

Question I have is what is the best way to mearsure the distance for the spa flex if there are bends and stuff. I don't want them too long or too short so they put pressure on the bulkheads and didn't know if someone had a quick little tip/trick

Too busy tonight to do anything w/ the tank. Got home late from work, eat, exercise dog, mow lawn, weed eat, do dishes, and now wind down and got to bed. Up at 5:30am

Weed Eat????????????? Y'all just got 18 feet of snow...ya posted the pics! What kind of weeds do you guys have up there???????

I am completely ripping off all of our siding and windows and removing the "buffalo board" that they sheeted w/. Replacing all the sheeting w/ 1/2" OSB, tyvak, windows (new), and I'm gonna be busy for the next 5-7days so no plumbing unless I get some time at night., uhm....are you guys gonna have a new house by the end of the year? I got $5 that says the house is done before the tank? Any takers?

Question I have is what is the best way to measure the distance for the spa flex if there are bends and stuff. I don't want them too long or too short so they put pressure on the bulkheads and didn't know if someone had a quick little tip/trick

I really wish I had a good answer for this....I just pushed it to the barb w/o actually fitting it in and factored in that distance to the total length. Hope that makes sense. After you screw it up once and have to cut it off, you get real good at eyeballing that and making it right. Dont forget that the Spa flex will take some of the tension. Are you using Sched 40 bulkheads or Sched 80....I know you were looking at the Sched 80 bulkheads, but I cant remember which ones you wound up with, and I'm too tired to go through the thread to find out, (just got off work...on midnights....and I havent slept yet).

maxxII - The windows and siding WILL be done before the tank. We are out of money for projects for this summer and probably year so it will be back to tank time in about 7-10days.

As for cutting the pipe it just figured you really don't get an idea for the bends and lengths until they are inserted fully into the fittings so didn't know if someone had a trick.

If you insert them fully into the piece most of the time you can't get it to go all the way in w/out glue. So you will be off some distance there. Also, spa flex will bend more natural when you glue it so eyeballing it won't work sometimes. I'm thinking of cutting the sections a couple inches long and heating them up in the oven as Melev suggested to make them pliable and inserting one end into teh fitting and trying to get the other in and see if it is too long...if so remove the end trim and try again till I get it close? not an exact way to do it but might work???

Just measure the depth of the fitting and add that to the length you need (at each end). You can definitely eye ball it and get very close, and add a bit extra just in case. You can only cut off so much before it becomes too short, which is why they say "measure twice; cut once." :)
jnarowe - What lube would you recommend? I've spit on the fittings before but that dries out and then they are pretty well stuck in there :D

sam - All my fittings I have hold at least 1.25 or more of the pipe I think

melev - Another one you are full of...."measure twice cut once".

Ahh I'll get it somehow I just don't want to add extra stress to the BH's. Just thought I'd see if you guys knew any cool little tricks

100% silicone. I tried to find a calculator for you but came up empty-handed. I have to think there is a plumbing calculator out somewhere.
I would not put any type of lube on the fittings. Just get it right the first time, and take your time doing so.

For example, when gluing, if the piece is a 1/4" too short, just don't seat it all the way in the fitting. Glue it where it needs to be, with 1/4" less material inside the fitting. No stress nor worries.
with a room behind it and access to the sides from the room on one side and some doors above the tank on the other

Side outside doors


Sorry no water for quite some time. Been focusing on more house projects since the weather is nice and we are putting more of our money to that. Hope to get stuff up and plumbed SOON. Marcorocks is taking more time than I thought so my rock isn't even here yet

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Here, Here!!!

I demand water in this system!!!

It took me close to 3 months to set mine up!!

You've been messing around now for over a year!!!!

The time has come Lunch. Other projects will now have to take a back seat to this tank :p