Macna volunteers!!!!! Thank you!!!


Active member
FMAS thanks all of our volunteers that assisted at MACNA 2013. :dance::bounce3: The rest of the committee is still recovering, but slowly coming back to life from a coma, LOL

We would not have been as successful as we where without your help!!!!:hammer:

We hope you had a good time showing the rest of the world what an awesome club is all about. :celeb2::beer:
Yes thank you volunteers ......hopefully we will see all of you at the next monthly meeting for a proper in person thank you from all the bod and all the Fmas members ....again it wouldn't have happened without your assistance.....
I loved it, the only bad part is that I was the only gopher that Eddie had on Friday morning :P

Was cool to put a few faces to the forum names here, will try to make the next meeting for sure!
Doc- I was very happy to have met you for the first time.

Pero cono- Dont thank me thank the whole committee!!!!!!!!!!!, and the volunteers!!

Yes yes yes
Sensitive Sally!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to the ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE who were in charge if putting together such a great event.
It was a pleasure to meet the bods and several members. The bods busted their a&$ all weekend and so did the volunteers and that's one of the main reasons Macna was such a success. I look forward to seeing you guys at the next meeting. Julio
Thank you for allowing us free entry for working. If not for that, I would have had to leave the wife home!

Steve im glad she came. She was awesome at the registration desk. Not only that she guarded my cigar from the too quick housekeeping guys, LOL.

Or was that Jimbo's wife?

Sorry i was in a coma after the first day.
Yes thank you volunteers ......hopefully we will see all of you at the next monthly meeting for a proper in person thank you from all the bod and all the Fmas members ....again it wouldn't have happened without your assistance.....

Matt- we made one huge mistake with your volunteer group.

We didnt assign anyone to take pictures!!! Now we have to count on others to come forward with them. :blown:
Thank you guys for putting a great event. Working double duty I did not get a chance to talk to the vendors BUT my kids (that volunteer) had a great time. Anything for the club...
Thank you for allowing us free entry for working. If not for that, I would have had to leave the wife home!
Did she work the afternoon shift? I worked Friday - Sunday morning shift at registration and I don't remember a blond except for Lulio's wife.
I can't thank you (volunteers) enough. We couldn't have pulled off MACNA without your help. I know some of you had family or friends that ended up volunteering after some of you came out for your first shift. Please make sure Matt has your contact info. And as I stated before, save your volunteer shirt if you still have it. More on that to come later :D
Got another event in mind for us volunteer for? :D

If you do, I expect most of us would ;)
Thanks to all the FMAS organizers and others, it was a pleasure to volunteer for this event and thus getting to meet many of you. I don't think I will ever forget the name Lourdes (not sure of the spelling) as it seemed like I said her name a 1000 times doing registrations and she just kept on smiling (makes me wonder what was in her coffee). My son is still having nightmares of me telling him bring more yellow bags.
Steve im glad she came. She was awesome at the registration desk. Not only that she guarded my cigar from the too quick housekeeping guys, LOL.

Or was that Jimbo's wife?

Sorry i was in a coma after the first day.

That was my wife at registration. She k own the importance of a good Cigar....