Macon's 90g Rimless

FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very nice! Looking forward to the progress pics!

Very well done, congrats

You're telling me. My patience is truly being tested now that there is water in the tank. Once I can start putting stuff in you should come by.
So its' been 10 days and still no ammonia spike. I thought that the 5 lbs of LR and 5 lbs of live sand would produce enough die off but I guess not. I've been dosing micrbacter7 as well. Is it unheard of not to have an ammonia spike but still be able to build up my biological filtration?
Added the first fish

I've got a little bit of work and tinkering to do but here is what I've got. The tank has been running for 16 days.

Salinity: 1.026 (refractometer)
Temp: 79.3 (probe)
pH: 7.88 (probe)
Ammonia: .25 ppm (salifert)
Nitrite: 2 ppm (hanna checker)
Nitrate: 0 ppm (salifert)
Phosphate: 1.10 ppm (hanna checker)
Calcium: 518 ppm (hanna checker)
Alkalinity: 142 (hanna checker)
New Corals

New Corals

Sorry, LEDs and my iPhone don't mix very well but here are some pictures. I'll have to get my girlfriend to take some pictures with her DSLR one of these days.

Neon green caulastrea

God of War palys

Blue Xenia

Sunny Ds

Hollywood Stunner chalice

Green Duncan

Kenya Tree
Feeling pretty dumb right now. I've been stressing over my nitrites being 25ppm, or so I thought. I took a water sample up to the LFS and they said my nitrites were fine so I tested again when I got home and again mid 20s. Turns out, im stupid and the Hanna checker gives results in ppb not ppm. 25ppm =.025ppm. Still too high but my tank is still cycling so no biggie for now.
Feeling pretty dumb right now. I've been stressing over my nitrites being 25ppm, or so I thought. I took a water sample up to the LFS and they said my nitrites were fine so I tested again when I got home and again mid 20s. Turns out, im stupid and the Hanna checker gives results in ppb not ppm. 25ppm =.025ppm. Still too high but my tank is still cycling so no biggie for now.

I didn't know they made a nitrate checker. Might be my next purchase!
Looking very good so far! Do you mind posting a pic of your entire sump area? I just ordered the same exact tank from Miracles and I'm struggling to put everything together in my head. Thanks.
Looking very good so far! Do you mind posting a pic of your entire sump area? I just ordered the same exact tank from Miracles and I'm struggling to put everything together in my head. Thanks.

Hopefully this will help:

Blue: display drain chamber
Red: skimmer chamber
Green: bubble trap
Purple: return chamber
Yellow: RODI reservoir

Ah okay. So then your refugium is separate? Can I ask why you chose to do that?

Basically my skimmer has a pretty large foot print so everything was built around that. I also like the idea of a slower flow through the refugium so my GFO reactor fills the refugium and I built the refugium tank a little higher than the sump so it gravity feeds back into the sump.
Looking very good so far! Do you mind posting a pic of your entire sump area? I just ordered the same exact tank from Miracles and I'm struggling to put everything together in my head. Thanks.

Post #6 shows how everything is positioned in the stand.
PAR Readings!!!

PAR Readings!!!

I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at here but hopefully you guys can help me determine where I'm at. I measured my DIY LED refugium light as well but those readings were not very impressive. 85 just under the surface and 30 at the sand bed. I need to add a lot more LEDs.
