Macro Algae Tank Journal (dialup Warning)

sweet dude... great biotope! I got those two randalli and since the first day I haven't seen them, until I looked under a rock today... must be really skiddish w/o their gobies. my hi-fin hasn't found either yet. Great pics tho!
Love the tank man. Is your Co2 on a controller or does it just come on with the lights?
You should add some nice colorful ricordias or a rose bta. It would contrast nicely with all the green. Also elegance coral would do good in that kind of tank and maybe a queen conch.
Makes me want to give away my sps too.
This has got to be the best tank I have ever seen. make a refreshing change to the SPS dominated tanks. I have started an new Marine tank after years of fresh water planted tanks.

Still just bare bones 2 weeks into the build but now I know what i will aim for...something like yours.

If you don't win Tank Of The Month soon then there is no justice in this world.

Luv it. and keep it and your tank are an inspiration.
Cheers for shearing it with us.
Thanks everyone! My hope was to do something different and make it successful, so this is all wonderful stuff to hear! Glad I could share :]

Dxmarinefish - thank you! I wish you the better of luck and outcome with your marine planted system!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12220349#post12220349 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Raul-7
Do you mind if I post that picture in another forum? Incredible work, I love the aquascaping.

Show me what forum - I could post it where you want to show it - just reply with a link :]
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12221415#post12221415 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by The_Wonderboy
Show me what forum - I could post it where you want to show it - just reply with a link :] would love to see it.

I already posted a link to your thread on a 'SW Planted Tank' thread over at The Planted Tank. Sorry, I couldn't help but show how brilliant this particular scape in comparison to most SW planted tanks I've seen.
Cool - a link to this thread is no big deal - thanks for showing your interest :]

I am a member there, as I started out doing FW planted, so I will jump back into action and post plenty of pictures there as well.

What thread is the link located in?
The 'Photo Album'. Apparently the thread-starter isn't too thrilled because he doesn't consider it to be a marine planted tank rather "a reef tank with some plants."

I hope you can chime or even better start your own thread regarding this tank. Apparently he isn't too happy I 'hijacked' his thread.
very lovely looking tank.

its not often you see a salt water underwater garden as good as yours, fantastic.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12227593#post12227593 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Raul-7
The 'Photo Album'. Apparently the thread-starter isn't too thrilled because he doesn't consider it to be a marine planted tank rather "a reef tank with some plants."

I hope you can chime or even better start your own thread regarding this tank. Apparently he isn't too happy I 'hijacked' his thread.

Still can't find it, but I'm guessing he's just jealous - lol - jk jk

Thanks much, westuk!
Your tank looks fantastic, in a few years when I give this a shot I'll be thrilled if I can get a tank that's half as successful as yours.

One question bugs me though... what do you do when your plants go sexual?
I run my lights 24 hrs, so when caulerpa in my tank goes asexual, it's because of a nutrient deficiency most likely... so, I try to figure out what I did wrong :]
Nice tank.

You might consider placing some rock terracing to hide the overflow box. As far as asexual issues, try to make sure to keep 5ppm or so of NO3, dose KNO3, or Ca(NO3)2.

Caulperas go sexual when you bottom out the NO3 and forget to prune the weeds.

As biomass increases, the uptake and NO3 removal also dramatically increase. CO2 at this rate will not hurt and with this much current from the wave makers, most of it is being lost.

But think about this, adding CO2 will dissolve some of the aragonite and keep the KH/Ca levels up as well.

The issue is when you add too much CO2, then you dissolve snails, the Halimeda etc. I have been exploring using just aeration mist, simple, cost less, less chance or error or killing things.

CO2 alone did not do that much in some 20 gal test tanks.

Lily pipes, good lord, get rid of those:)
They are dirty and nasty and break very easily(I know from experience). Look nice if you spend the time to keep them clean weekly.

Next time you take a picture, try to fill in that area by the over flow. Try to tidy up the foreground a bit. Remove the powerheads and lily pipes, then take the pictures.

Also, if you can do a 25% water changes earlier that morning, then take the pictures at night, that will be ideal.

This will help and impress more folks.

Looks great so far and much easier than many reefs in some respects, nice fish selection also, I like the choices.

Tom Barr