mantis shrimp


I think i have some of the dreaded mantis shrimp in my tank but i'm not sure, does anyone have a link with some pics so i could check it out? Whats the best approach of getting rid of them? thanks!
Why can't you grab them bare handed, just wondering, I think I have one in my tank to, the other night I bought a piece of rock to add to the top of my rock to fill in a hole and I think I can hear it tick but only sometimes, the other day I lifted the rock up and on the bottom looked like a something with alot of legs but crawled right back where it came from, Going to try to catch soon, pretty sure it is a mantis shirmp but we'll find out soon, will be sure to post some pictures when I can
a small mantis will slice your finger open in an instant. larger ones can probably break the bone. thats why you dont want to pick them up :D
oh k will definatly keep that in mind and I will now mostly likely make my own trap and try to catch him that way... thanks for the info paintbug
Some mantis shrimp are "spearers", some "smashers". Their front legs are both offensive (mmMmmm, dinner) and defensive (put me down!). Your fingers are not even close to as armoured as fish (they have scales) so you're an easy mark to hit. Oh, and if your like me, my 6-line has a way faster reaction time that I could ever hope for, and that's way to slow to dodge a mantis shrimp strike.
Lousy good for nothing mantis shrimp. Ooooops, don't let the guys down in the mantis shrimp forum hear that!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6964757#post6964757 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by whiteshark
Lousy good for nothing mantis shrimp. Ooooops, don't let the guys down in the mantis shrimp forum hear that!

I heard that.. LMAO

Here is how to catch him.. Traps dont work.. Mantis shrimp are very smart. If you miss thm once with a trap they will learn from it, and a trap will never work..

My way works...

Take the rock he is living in, and put it in a bucket of RO/DI water for about 2-4 mins. He will come out... When he does, remove the rock and set aside.. Then take mantis and put him back in salt h2o..

Ohh yeah... Forgot the last step.. Place rock back in tank.