Marine Mammals

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Should there be easing of laws and regulations in regards to owning marine mammals?

I ask this question because I want to get a few seals and otters for my aquarium. I think it is horse crap that it is near impossible to legally own them. I know I will provide a better home for my otters and seals then most people do to their groupers and tangs. The difficulty getting this animals legally does nothing but create a black market for them.

Who else agrees with me? First marine mammals, then sharks, then nemo. When will this craziness stop?
I disagree. You should have to prove you have the expertise, facilities and the financial means to maintain these animals for the decades they should live. If you have the financial resources to build the facilities I fail to see why you could not hire the expertise to meet AZAs guidelines and be certified by them as an aquarium facility letting you get the permits to keep these animals.
Just an afterthought but if there is an public aquarium close to you you might look at becoming a donor.
If you can give them a good home who care. The people who say you shouldn't have marine mammals are the same people killing mandirins, morish idols and leapord wrasses. If people tell other people what they should and shouldn't own they have no right to complain when PETA tells them what to own.

You should not have to give up your right to unreasonable searches because you want to give a seal or otter a good home. You should also not have to give the goverment money to waste on something that does nothing for animals or the enviorment.

Why bring up the AZA? He wants one as a pet not one for public display. Maybe you should get your tank AZA certified.
psh, me and my pet seals go clubbing all the time.. maybe you're just a fluke and didn't provide the right proof. I brought all my paperwork and dropped it on the dorsal of the marine mammal department and whale I waited they told me to clam up but in the end me and the grouper were able to get the license and now I have a happy family, next week we are expecting an-otter couple of animals to come in too..
psh, me and my pet seals go clubbing all the time.. maybe you're just a fluke and didn't provide the right proof. I brought all my paperwork and dropped it on the dorsal of the marine mammal department and whale I waited they told me to clam up but in the end me and the grouper were able to get the license and now I have a happy family, next week we are expecting an-otter couple of animals to come in too..

I don't know what you're taking about, I have a seal in a pico.

Can you two post a video of your setup and animals? Make sure that your user name and date are shown or heard in the video.

If you two do have theses animals very cool. If not no one likes a liar.
Can you two post a video of your setup and animals? Make sure that your user name and date are shown or heard in the video.

If you two do have theses animals very cool. If not no one likes a liar.

You forgot to tell them to hold up a current newspaper proving the date ;)
Can you two post a video of your setup and animals? Make sure that your user name and date are shown or heard in the video.

If you two do have theses animals very cool. If not no one likes a liar.

my camera is broke, the otter thought it was a clam and took it and clacked it open with a rock..:headwallblue:
So it comes to this.

Said in John's voice.

Residual from the full moon a couple of days ago....

Considering most marine mammal populations are in trouble, no point in allowing the general public to go catching and keeping them as pets. Not to mention, outside of being a multi-millionaire, keeping any of them appropriately is not financially feasible.

And on that note, thread closed.
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