Mark's 150 gallon

That's crazy Mark...the bugs or the bulbs- something was definitely irritating the corals. Amazing how fast they are turning around!
That is an incredible five days! Thanks for documenting the entire course you have navigated from the problem through the recovery.

What is the coral in the third from the bottom picture? It has an unbelievable blending of colors.
The difference is like night and day and it's only been 5 days :eek1: lol

There's definitely some eye popping colour coming back! :D the acro's are getting their glow again :)

Thanks Dom, much appreciated ... though you spelled color wrong. :frog:

Wow. The turn around is amazing! I might start a thread in here just so I can try and keep up with the Jones's. Your tank is looking great.

You should, we all like to look at pictures and folks here are a lot of help.

That's crazy Mark...the bugs or the bulbs- something was definitely irritating the corals. Amazing how fast they are turning around!

Thanks Matt. I would have thought it was the bulbs except corals would do ok on the frag rack only to go downhill once attached to the rockwork. Perhaps the bugs could not get to the racks?

wow what a difference 5 days can make...

corals are looking great!!!


Thanks Flo.

That is an incredible five days! Thanks for documenting the entire course you have navigated from the problem through the recovery.

What is the coral in the third from the bottom picture? It has an unbelievable blending of colors.

Thanks. That cool looking one is another random unnamed frag, though it was $40, a but more expensive than many of the other random frags I buy. I thought it was an SSC but it never browned out on me so I suspect it's something else. I hope it gets some more red, it's the only red acro in the tank at the moment.

I figure should post some of my not so colorful corals as well, just to document any progress they make (I hope) down the road.

Cousin It (another random frag) gave me a scare, and still hasn't regained color but the hair is back. :)

A frag of a wild Aussie I purchased. This used to be reddish but now is this thick brown with green.

Red Robin ain't red but continues to change shades of brown.

$20 Tidal Gardens "purple acro".

Miami Orchid and that damn purple cap. The obvious new growth on the cap is just 10 or maybe 15 days of growth. At this rate it will take over the tank in 2 months.

I'm forced to question myself about the bugs when looking at that cap. It's recovery coincides with the bulb replacement and perhaps with the interceptor if the bugs really did attack anything.
Mark... also if you do not see those last pictures too colorful I can tell you that in my phone they do have color and looks very healthy. In a few weeks they will look fantastic.

Fantastic, Mark (lokani)!
Looking so (lokani) much better.
It's gotta (lokani) feel pretty darn good (lokani)

The preceding message does not contain subliminal messages.
Mark... also if you do not see those last pictures too colorful I can tell you that in my phone they do have color and looks very healthy. In a few weeks they will look fantastic.


Glad to see the tank improving in health.

Still waiting for you to ship me a piece of that lokani. :D

The brown with green Aussie frag = cream
Keep us posted on this one mate.

Fantastic, Mark (lokani)!
Looking so (lokani) much better.
It's gotta (lokani) feel pretty darn good (lokani)

The preceding message does not contain subliminal messages.

Finally. Now thats is what im talking about.. gorgeous! !

Thanks all L O K A N I

Forgot one, it's funny how long one of the fastest growing corals in the tank takes to color up but the teal stag is in no hurry. I'm most excited about the base, for this coral that little bit if encrusting is huge. :)

What a great positive change. The improvement must make you feel great

It does, thanks. :)

I observed the tank this morning with a flashlight, the first time since the interceptor treatment. I see some pods in the rocks but nothing on the SPS. I used to see regular pods on the SPS at night and figured it was normal but nothing now. I wonder if the smaller, possibly unseen, bugs were doing damage and attracting the larger pods that were performing cleanup? Regardless, I like it.

Hopefully more interceptor arrives this week, I'd like to treat one more time.
Very happy to see and hear that things have had dramatic improvements! Steady as she goes!


I stopped feeding all flake food except for the occasional algae flakes for the tangs and Foxface. Feeding high quality pellets twice a day which seems to be keeping all the fish healthy.

Vacation coming up so tank will have to be steady for a week. Getting the auto feeders set back up and I have a slim jim container to hold the 12 gallons of water I'll need for topoff.

Took a bunch of macros looking for goodness and any signs of bugs. A few nice shots, no bugs spotted.

This green/yellow monti will not die. Consumed by MEN, came back, then died off in the tank troubles, and now coming back. If you look closely you'll see polyps even in the non green areas. Monti's are indeed weeds. :D

This is the best the Hawkisn has ever looked for me and I believe it's starting to put on some growth.

This was sold as a Red Dragon but it's not what I would consider red. Under white lights it's brownish orange at best but the darn thing glows orange under blue lights. It started to bleach badly when I moved it to a spot over 200 PAR. The two branches at the end is all new growth and unlike my real red dragon this one has no problem encrusting the frag plug.
Nice Mark!
Those are 3 super tough corals.
That Hawkins is trying like heck to encrust over that algea covered tip..
You should take a pair of nail clippers and clip it off. The Hawkins will cover the clipped end in minutes, I bet..
Nice Mark!
Those are 3 super tough corals.
That Hawkins is trying like heck to encrust over that algea covered tip..
You should take a pair of nail clippers and clip it off. The Hawkins will cover the clipped end in minutes, I bet..

Good idea but I need some smaller clippers. I tend to do mass destruction trying to just clip a little end off. :D
Tank is looking great! Nice turn around for sure.

Thanks Ted!

5 more days and the color continues to improve but not as dramatic as the last 10 days.

I tried my hand at my manual focus macro lens this time. A little shaky but some pics turned out pretty good.

The nasuta or subulata is getting the purple back.


Is this what they mean by laterally compressed polyp?




