Had a little time to take some top downs. The tank seems to be in a really good place at the moment with things growing well except for a few duds. A month ago I reverted all dosing to my original levels when my pink coral started to go downhill.
Daily Drops
2 PhosphateRx
2 Kalum
2 MicroE
2 SpongePower
~ 1/4 tsp coral food daily (Reef Roids, Coral Frenzy, Reef Chili, AquaForest)
Let's go from bad to good here.
I don't know what happened but the main colony and a small well encrusted frag on the other side of the tank suffered the same fate. Not holding out much hope, and not touching it.
The brown beast is still brown and still growing at an extremely rapid rate. I had moved it down to the bottom of the tank months ago where it continued to grow fast. 2 weeks ago I moved it into a nook in the rocks temporarily while cleaning and moving some things. I forgot, and now it's well, and I mean well encrusted to the rock.
I do seem to be having issues with blue acros, with both the blue stag and Palmers Blue milli lacking good color.
So on the the rest of the corals which tell a completely different story.
The unknown milli that has iffy color seems to like the top spot where it replaced Cousin It. Edges are a good pink but I think it will take a few months to really settle in.
The horrida confuses me. It goes through dieback, then re-encrusts rapidly over the dead spots. Tip growth is very good, color is scattered good. Looks happy. This is a wild caught coral, unfortunately.
The sarmentosa, another mari or wild caught. What a trooper, coming back from nearly dead, re-encrusting over most fo the dead areas now and showing decent tip growth.
Another old coral with unknown origins. Located in the back of the tank on one of my magnetic frag plugs. When I had the rear BML strip blue/violet channel running at 60% this lost a lot of good color. Since backing off to 40% color has returned. This has happened twice now and is either a coincidence with some kind of water quality issue or something to due with the light spectrum from the BML strip.
This is still a hopeful, heavily infested with those snail bastards that I attack every few weeks.
Finally, for this post, look who woke up after a year of brown. *fingers crossed*