Mars Aqua Chinese LED review (Ebay)

Does anyone know if its possible to hook these lights up to some sort of controller to ramp the intensity throughout the day?
Does anyone know if its possible to hook these lights up to some sort of controller to ramp the intensity throughout the day?

Straight out of the box no. I'm going to be working on making a video that shows how to modify the Mars aqua to be hooked up to an apex. It'll be a while till it's made because I want to get you guys some good video and detail in it so it's easy for everyone to do.

So basically, how it works is, the drivers have to be 0-10v driver to circuit board. I haven't check to see what the Mars Aqua driver is yet but if it is 0-10v drivers then the modification should be relatively easy. And I'll go over that in the video when I finish. It should be the same for those who have the reef keeper controller as well. But this mod will be specifically for the Apex.

Stay tuned...

Oh and swope2bc has a nice write up on here a few couple pages back on how to do it.
Straight out of the box no. I'm going to be working on making a video that shows how to modify the Mars aqua to be hooked up to an apex. It'll be a while till it's made because I want to get you guys some good video and detail in it so it's easy for everyone to do.

So basically, how it works is, the drivers have to be 0-10v driver to circuit board. I haven't check to see what the Mars Aqua driver is yet but if it is 0-10v drivers then the modification should be relatively easy. And I'll go over that in the video when I finish. It should be the same for those who have the reef keeper controller as well. But this mod will be specifically for the Apex.

Stay tuned...

Oh and swope2bc has a nice write up on here a few couple pages back on how to do it.

Post 230 has the link
so I have 2 on a 48 inch tank, I am looking to keep SPS all over the tank.

What do you guys suggest running the lights at? My lights are hung 5-6 inches over the tank.
I might keep the red but the green is for sure going, I'm also going to remove some of the lenses but not all. And replace some blue with royal blue
so I have 2 on a 48 inch tank, I am looking to keep SPS all over the tank.

What do you guys suggest running the lights at? My lights are hung 5-6 inches over the tank.

I would start at around 50 or 60% blues and whites below that to your liking. Depending on your depth 60% will grow most SPS easily.
Thanks for the thread. My Current Sundial had a ballast go bad and needed new bulbs. This seemed like a better option for quite a bit less money than to repair the fixture.
ive heard this as well why not go with the 420nm would more of a purple actinic
I've said this to you before. 420nm is not ultraviolet. It doesn't become ultraviolet until it's below 400nm. There is no such thing as a "420nm UV". So as I said, adding ultraviolets technically won't change the overall color (assuming they were true to their nm rating) because ultraviolet light is invisible to human eyes. So this:
wouldn't the uv s give you more purple ....

is a false statement. No. UVs will not give you more purple. 420nm VIOLETS give you more purple.
haha sorry man. Just making sure we're clear. The ultraviolet term gets thrown around quite a bit and it doesn't make any sense. :)

Yes. 420nm emitters will give off violet light.
na its cool...i understand completely...about the uv...i know its hard to see and when its pure uv.. cant really tell its thinking i want more of a purple (actinic) kinda adding actinc t5s with the most people trying to get the same results..kinda...