The tank hasn't been filled to much honestly for a reason, some time ago we had a record rain fall where I moved to, and my basement flooded badddddd during the rain. it was like hurricane sandy all over for me. I lost many things that were in that basement which is where the tank is located. so dealing with the aftermath cleanup, the tank had to take a step back on priority list. most of my funds have went towards the cleanup, repair, and future prevention of another flood. so like I said the tank took a back seat for the time being. all corals are happy and healthy, still have a couple damsels in there but haven't added anything else since adding them...
another reason why I haven't stocked the tank is cause I was smart about it in this aspect. 2 months ago I was informed by house will be done being renovated from hurricane sandy and I will be returning to that house in New Jersey come December poss January time. so this tank is more so to get the rock to be well aged for the move. so I don't have to set up a completely fresh system again... I will be using the existing sand that's in both the tank and fuge. I will rinse them good and just reuse. shouldn't be a problem at all. the tank will be set up less then a yr by then and the sand shouldn't be filled wit detritus.
I personally think this was a good idea of not stocking the tank heavily during this time of the house being redone, since I knew I was eventually goin back and didn't want to take the chance of major die off and lose a bunch of stuff again. so basically the tank is just running and maturing the live rocks.
couple thoughts tho. I do believe when I go back to jersey I will be switching from my VHO actinics to reefbrites,,,,, also goin to switch out my Mh ballasts also. they are yrssss old and prolly need to be changed.... and im stuck between purchasing either 2xjabeo wp40s orrrr 2xmp40s..ill decide that in time and finances...