Maxxs' 220g Journey...!

yesterday i threw in some chaeto that i ordered, lil less then a tennis ball sized piece. it had some pods in it, ripped it up a lil and threw it in the much space lol, i mite also start growing ulva for future tangs....

Just read thread. Looks like storm took a toll on you. Nice rebuild

not to sound like im looking for pitty, but it was devastating for me actually..that storm literally changed and altered my life. almost like a reset button. krazy to be living this tho.... on the hobby side of it, very heart breaking cause of what i had and where the tanks were going, but all upgrades that i wanted to do are pushed back for a while now..but such is life, day by day...on a brighter side, i did see 2 pods swim out of the chaeto when i put it in. so there is some life, havent seen them since, but we'll see how they turn out....
Looking good. I never see the pods in my tank unless I move a rock.

thank u thank u...yea im not expecting to see them, but i shine a flash light on the chaeto every now and again to amuse my self to see if i can see them moving around....
I added 4 yellow tail blue damsels to the tank today..these will be only fish in tank for about another 2 weeks to see how they handle the system and how the system handles the fish. i just started my 6th week of setup. so i would imagine the system can handle 4x1" damsels...
Made me sick to my stomach to see your tanks post-storm...

yea it was a bad day to say the least when i was able to actually access the house days wasnt the power that made it such a castastrophe iit was the temp. along with the power outage, the air temp sunk to about mid to low 30s for several days after the storm. so a generator was useless cause i couldnt get to the house for days. when i hooked the tanks up to a generate, all i could do was smile to be honest. not sure why, but i did, and right then and there started tearing down the tank...All in stride! thanx for checking out the thread
grrrrrrrrrr...seems like i have a lot of debris floating in the tank. actually the whole system...not sure where its coming from, or why it wont drain to sump or settle, just stay suspended in the water column..hmmmmm
recent FTS....only 4 yellow tail damsels in the tank, only can see 1 in the pic, but after last two water changes. water cleared up a lot. thinking of getting a UV sterilizer for the system? but a lot of the algae growth on the rocks and sand is starting to dissipate. I noticed past couple days that the algae grows kinda quick when the MH are on, then by next day they subside a lot. so the water changes and chaeto that I recently added is starting to work together...and I really like only having these small fish in here for so long cuz its really colonizing the bacteria before I add more fish. usually ppl rush a lil at some point after cycle. but based on my location and no LFS around, time is def working in my favor...

For the record, the power filter on the right side of tank, is packed wit floss to help trap debris that's in the water column until I get polishing pads.....
hmm no idea why it posted like that, but the fish is turning around in the pic that's why u cant see the yellow tail...
so working on a fish list. this is what im thinking of so far...

already have 4 yellow tail damsels
may get either a pair of azure damsels or Fiji damsels
midus blenny
forktail blenny
flame angel
coral beauty angel
pair of zebra gobies
yellow head sleeper goby
and a pair of uniqe clowns

then couple months ill add some tangs and poss some wrasses, but I think the list I put should work nice, they are all smaller in size and active fish....what do you think?
If you are happy with the list, I'm happy. Just keep a heads up on the yellow tails.

yea I heard about the damsels for yrs. and I always stayed away from them even tho I truly liked their color. so after the storm, I wanted to try fish that I never had before. so I went with some damsels. I am kinda cautious about adding even one more damsel. I will sit and think about it a lil bit more tho...
so sorry for your house!! Keep up the hardwork!!! My heart broke when my tank crack, just cant imagine the feeling to see vanish your house and all your belongings overnight.
so sorry for your house!! Keep up the hardwork!!! My heart broke when my tank crack, just cant imagine the feeling to see vanish your house and all your belongings overnight.

thank u very much, it was a major shock and took many weeks to fully understand the situation I was in.. I cant wait to start getting some corals and fish in this thing tho....