MBRK Social..

Thanks for coming guys... I had a lot of fun! As for a next one? Hmm, ASAP... haha... next one with should set up some trades :X
Thanks for hosting, Kraylen. It was nice to finally put faces with names ... and the mini-tank tour was an added bonus.
I want to thank you Kraylen for being the gracious host of this event.

It was an honor to meet all of you that attended.
Suuurreeee... you guys all left me when I fired the BBQ up :(

Next meet, more people need to drink my beer... too many left overs and I start buffing materials I shouldn't :p
Suuurreeee... you guys all left me when I fired the BBQ up :(

Next meet, more people need to drink my beer... too many left overs and I start buffing materials I shouldn't :p

Sorry we "stole your thunder" dude. You should have just came along, the BBQ pit would have been there when we got back.

Anyways, it was nice to meet the few that came, I had fun. Also, thanks to kraylen(face palm) and Tish for hosting the event.
Sorry we "stole your thunder" dude. You should have just came along, the BBQ pit would have been there when we got back.
I wish I would have known what the bloody hell was going on when I showed up and everyone disappeared. I would have joined in on that tour!

Suuurreeee... you guys all left me when I fired the BBQ up :(

Next meet, more people need to drink my beer... too many left overs and I start buffing materials I shouldn't :p
Poor Kraylen.. abandoned :worried:
I don't remember you telling me that losthere made an open invitation to come check out his tank.. we could have just gone along with everybody.. as one giant, happy reefing clan :D.
No worries. I trust there will be countless meets to come.

How about your revolutionary method of breaking in a skimmer? Care to share that with everyone?

i'm not scurd of you ha


I'm going to be headed north this wekeend on SATURDAY with my side kick(aka girlfriend) to go to some shops up here. We'll be going as far as neptune. Kraylen already said he wants to come so i've got 2 more seats in my truck if any of you'd like to go on a road trip with us. Probably leave between 10-12.