Hi Michael, I love your tanks so much and hate to see it going through a hard time like this... So I write this for you but not sure if it is useful...I just went through exactly the same situation. I also used AF biotic salt with Bio S and NP and the same parameters as yours. I think in general that maybe the bacteria work so well and we don't have any more nutrient Or we have a so very low nutrient...too clean..? Anyway in short what I did was
1-treat the tank with SPS and fishes inside for 5 days total blackout. Keep a box or cardboard covers everywhere and the tank should be total black out/ very dark. Make sure there are space for air circulation !!! Without light or food. Yes, I was very afraid but somehow the fishes went to a long sleep and after 5 days everything was OK after. I saw almost no Dino after this.SPS were pale and fishes were very hungry. So light low and feed less for the first few days.
The important thing is your Radion program should have red and green light intensity about 12% or less only. As soon as these going up...you will see the strings and bubbles again. Stay with UV and blue lights mainly.
2- In a few days if you see the Dino coming back but very weak, I did add 1tsp Kalwasser/gal of water and add dropwise to the sum to bring pH from 8.2 slowly up to 8.6 in 2-3 days. This would kill the rest of DINO.
Please think about this before you try as each tank is different, don't know if it works for you...but I was so stressed with this a few days ago. Now it is over.
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