military reefers club

Retired First Sgt, former USAF F-16 Maintainer. Nice to see all of you here. On the road now in my civilian job, wife taking care of the 90g for 6 weeks.

OK good news, we got our own forum here on reef central. The new forum is located in the international clubs area. We need to be active in the forum in order to justify its presence and the hard work of the RC admin to make this happen. I encourage everyone to head over and start posting in the new forum, there will be a few rules posted soon but the bottom line is be respectful of each other as individuals and remember this is a reef hobby based forum so nothing OPSEC related should even be posted. Any other questions can be posted in the new forum or feel free to send me a PM on here.

I could move this entire thread into your forum if you want.....

I'm also in the military, I'm new to this site. I'm going to check out the forum now. Let me know if I can do anything to help!
to all you military personnel, thanks so very much for you services. you guys and gals are the 1% of this countrys strongest. THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE TO THIS GREAT NATION!

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Hi, I'm Jacopo Pasquinelli from Livorno, Italy.
At only 10 miles from my town there is "Camp Darby US base" that is on of the larger US base in Europe. I'm part of "Goccia blu" a no profit association of aquarium reef tank owners, and we always help neophytes of the hobby and aquarists to solve problems whith the tanks. In our group we have some Italian army military person that periodically nedds help to mantain their animals and we usually give a hand not to loose everithing.
If you know someone in Camp Darby base, or even in Tuscany or central Italy that needs this kind of help you can give to him our reference.
This is the link to the association website
On 1st & 2nd June we organize a national aquaristick meeting in Livorno, where Tony Vargas will speak in the two days of convention... so it will be the right occasion to know us.
This is the link to FB page of the meeting
Thank You and I hope someone can benefit of our help.
Sorry for my stuttering English
Jacopo Pasquinelli
Hello all! My husband is active duty air force, we are stationed at Edwards AFB CA, and currently live in Rosamond. We originally come from an area that has an active Reef club with regular meetings. We just attempted to move our tank out here during that huge snow storm that crossed the states back in February, and even though we did some extensive planning, unforutunatly we lost all our fish and coral, except for some green button polyps. Our losses were due to extreme cold that were almost entirely due to moving truck complications. After some long thoughts, we are setting up again, but its still hard being that some of our fish and coral were 10+ years old (had some since my first tank) so we are still heartbroken and missing them.

Anyways, ive been a member of this forum for years but haven't been very active. I decided to check here and just found this forum because I was trying to find others in our area that have tanks that we could befriend and exchange ideas/corals/info etc. Also the tank-sitting option you are talking about is a great idea too! Its a bit lonely out here being that the only club (that i know of) is about 2 hours away and its hard for us to make it to any meetings or get togethers b/c of distance and work, and i dont know of any other way to find ppl who have tanks on base or in the area. Please let us know if any of you are close! :)
Im in El Paso, when I moved from FT Hood I had no support and I lost thousands in livestock (not on the trip, when I got here) and the moving crew I hired when I got here popped one side of my 8' 240g acrylic loose when they were unloading it. It was very frustrating. I'm glad to see this network getting setup. I currently have small tanks to make moves easier.
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mrcyrus That's what I'm dreading when I leave Germany as well. I just picked up and upgraded to a 210 gallon and that's what I thought about too. The moving companies that pack our stuff and ship it aren't the best in the world, and honestly sometimes seem like they could care less.
From my experience with Germany and Korea moves I know how you feel. The magic word is INSURANCE, make sure you keep your reciept from the purchase. Its a roll of the dice.
My active days are over but even in the reserves is difficult to keep a tank and have people come over and help you out while your home to training. Couldn't picture keeping up with this whole active specially with all the days in the field
I am retired military and while I was on active duty I maintained a 55 gal salt water fish and live rock tank. It made it so much easier to keep the tank if you get it on cruise control. This way if someone (my wife) had to watch it all she needed to do was refill stuff. Everything else maintained itself. I now have a 120 gallon tank and my job now requires me to be away for a few days at a time and my wife still has nothing to do to it. I don't like to promote stuff in the forum but Mark Callahan from has a good book call your tank on cruise control. This saved my bacon many times so far. Also when I was transferred I would go to my Local saltwater store and they would hold my rocks and fish till I got to my new duty station. As soon as I got my tank cycled I would call and pay the shipping cost and they would send my rock and fish to me. Thanks to all you young men and women serving now, you are doing a great job. I have 2 sons that have served and one is a Iraq wounded vet. Again thanks for your service.


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military reefers club

Currently active duty (5yrs) USCG stationed in Bradenton FL. I've been reeding for about a year now and have a 120g I've been running for about 3 months. Thank you to all those who are serving and have served. It's a sacrifice those who have never served will fully understand.