military reefers club

USMC vet in Buffalo NY here. Always happy to help anyone who needs it. Have been in the hobby for a number of years.
Hello all, us army pilot here stationed in Fairbanks alaska. Curious to see if there are any other alaska reefers's like double the trouble to do it here, but still fun.
Hello all, us army pilot here stationed in Fairbanks alaska...

JimSWreef, CWO? I've been looking into that Flying Warrant Program the Army offers. Anyways, AC2 stationed in Virginia Beach, VA. Currently awaiting PCS to Spain in the coming months.
JimSWreef, CWO? I've been looking into that Flying Warrant Program the Army offers. Anyways, AC2 stationed in Virginia Beach, VA. Currently awaiting PCS to Spain in the coming months.

Yes I am cw2. Very cool. It's a fun route! Flying is great.
Hey everyone. I'm active duty in the Coast Guard. I'm in the San Francisco bay area. I'm really glad I found this forum!
New to the forum

New to the forum

Hello all I just purchased a 120g with dual overflows. I'm in the National Guard in Minnesota and wanted to say hi. I am upgrading from a 75g non drilled tank so this will be quite the undertaking.
Air Force here, in training in Pensacola, FL.

I decided to get a 29 gal biocube since I figured it would be easy to move around. If any of you guys have experience with moving your tank, I'd love to learn from you. I have heard from people who have successfully moved their system (fish, coral, and all). Most likely I'll be done in a few months so I've got to start figuring out how to do this soon haha.

Thanks guys!
Just Saying Hi,

Just Saying Hi,

I have worked for the Navy and the Marine Corps, For a total of 13 years currently working on a Department Of Defense contract with the Navy.
Air Force here, in training in Pensacola, FL.

I decided to get a 29 gal biocube since I figured it would be easy to move around. If any of you guys have experience with moving your tank, I'd love to learn from you. I have heard from people who have successfully moved their system (fish, coral, and all). Most likely I'll be done in a few months so I've got to start figuring out how to do this soon haha.

Thanks guys!

If you can find them and I have only seen these in an Ocean Bait and tackle shop or online, battery Operated aerators are the bomb, they not only keep your live bait alive in the bucket longer, they are great for keeping oxy in the water of a Bio Cube when moving it. just don't let temperature swings hit you.:)
Active Duty Army here, currently in Cali on recruiting duty but will be in Ft. Stewart, GA at in the summer. I heard there is only one LFS in the area. If anyone knows better please let me know :)

Ramstein AFB

Ramstein AFB

My husband and I are about to PCS to Ramstein, AFB in Germany. A tool like this would be wonderful to have to make new connections within the hobby and otherwise as we will not know anyone in Europe as a whole!

Does anyone know what reefkeeping looks like in Germany, or even in Ramstein specifically?

We'd appreciate any and all advice!
Does anyone know what reefkeeping looks like in Germany, or even in Ramstein specifically?

Some of the most advanced, cutting edge, most successful reefkeepers are in D-land. You can find reefs there that are 2-3 decades old, lush with mature, beautiful corals of all kinds.

It may be expensive there. Remember it is the home of much of the finest aquarium support equipment in the world, tunxe, giesman, deltec, abyzz.... Then again it may be less expensive over there because it does not have to be imported.

Thank you both for your service to our country. I and my family wish you well in your new station.
Active Duty Army here, currently in Cali on recruiting duty but will be in Ft. Stewart, GA at in the summer. I heard there is only one LFS in the area. If anyone knows better please let me know :)


I live in beaufort sc, so if the closest big city to fort Stewart is savannah then yeah the stores suck. Feel free to pm me and I'll give you the heads up