Minimalist Aquascaping

Not sure if this counts...

It's roughly 36"x18"x24" (90x45x60 in centimeters, which is lightly less). Early days yet - it needs more in it! But I'm getting there. Got a lovely colony of pink zoas today that I need to get some pics of.
It's roughly 36"x18"x24" (90x45x60 in centimeters, which is lightly less). Early days yet - it needs more in it! But I'm getting there. Got a lovely colony of pink zoas today that I need to get some pics of.

Nice....I love zoas and palys personally and would love an entire tank of them. your aquascape has inspired me to change mine around from pillars to more of what you have with maybe a nice overhang.
I'm a big fan of zoas as well! Thanks to a good friend, I should have a good selection of frags before too long and, given time, a garden of different colored zoas on the right hand side!

Flattered that you took inspiration from my tank. Not much there yet, but it's always good to see what others are doing, I know. I've been inspired by a lot of people on here, though their tanks are generally much more impressive than this!
Tom, that definitely counts.. I would just scrape some of that algae off and clean the wiring up a bit ;)

Thanks! As for the algae, well that's deliberate to an extent, as I've recently got myself a Tail Spot Blenny and I wanted to make sure he had enough to eat, so I left it to grow in one section. But I do need to clean off the powerheads, as he doesn't feed off those anyway! Job for the next water change which will happen either tonight or tomorrow...

The wiring I do need to get sorted out. It's my least favorite bit of this hobby, but pretty essential given that I went for an unpainted background!
uhuru, looking great! Your NPS tank has amazing potential. I like how you used 3x MP10's as opposed to 1 or 2x MP40s.
love the look of your tank and love how your cap is growing out of the side of your pillar. very cool and natural looking.
Agreed, looks nice! How long has it taken to get to that size?

i've had that cap since it was the size of a thumb nail and it has grown for the past two and a half years. i'm waiting on it to grow and cover the front of the tank a little more because i just rescaped the tank to look like this. the old scape was definitely not minimalist. :frog:
Wow this tread is great! I found it after i got my 118g tank aquascaped but before i start in on the 180g mixed reef. I got the idea for this rockscape from John Ciotti's "œUpside Down Reef" nano tank. To build this i used a 1/2 inch thick piece of acrylic rod as a support in the middle. To make sure everything is nice and in place i used some epoxy putty to hold it in place. The top rock is one large piece of Tonga rock with several other pieces of Tonga rock attached with plastic zip ties. Here are the pictures of the process:


Here is the rock work out of the tank.

Here is the first half of the rock work in the tank.

The whole thing in place in the tank.

Close up

Right angle

Left angle