Minimalist Aquascaping


Picked this up last saturday!
I have been reading some of the earlier posts here and it's really getting me back into the bare bottom tank mode. Anyone else have this experience?
Heres my recently setup 100G



Going to be adding sand and lowering the lights soon.

This is one of my all time favorites... and is a great looking tank, even though the person stated they'd add sand.. I think it looks amazing w/out it.
Blimey, all of those tanks look great. But you know what? I'm not sure I could carry off a tank like that with the pillars. Every time I tried to add something, I'm sure I'd be knocking off another coral or just knocking over the entire pillar. :lol:
Some really nice scapes have been posted.

Has given me a lot of inspiration for when i set my new tank up next week.
