Minimalist Aquascaping



I have become a proponent of open aquascaping - I really don't care for the "box of rox" appearance seen in many marine aquariums... a real reef just doesn't look like that!

I started "minimalizing" my aquascaping in our 2008 180G reef tank:


I carried the same theory into my current 350G tank, which we have set up from scratch in the last 60 days:

Still under construction:

Here are details on the three island formations in the 350G. No live rock is within 2" of any tank wall:
Left island:

Center island:

Right island:

The full story, including aquascaping decisions, is depicted in our build thread (little red house above).

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so, I tend to ntice that these "minimalistic" aquascapes, tend to have very clean sand is there a correlation there? it seems that more open water lets higher flow through the tank, and thus allows less to settle on the sandbed and doesn't not allow much algae to take hold

thoughts please
Here is my tank at the end of July 08. Since then I have added rock to the left and middle to fill the tank out. I wish I had left it the way it was though in this pic.

:eek2: :eek1: :eek2: :eek1: :eek2: :eek1:

These tanks are all nuts! In a good way of course! Love them.

Kzoo.. what kind of lighting are you using?

And rando, I think you are on to something with the clean sand.

I personally "MUST" have clean sand in my system. It may also be that people who like minimalist tanks like a clean look, and they correspond well to one another.
Also, GQuinn, I love that Giesemann lighting fixture. It looks great on your tank!

Too bad I don't have that kinda cash for a light, or I'd be using it ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15425903#post15425903 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by E.intheC
Also, GQuinn, I love that Giesemann lighting fixture. It looks great on your tank!

Too bad I don't have that kinda cash for a light, or I'd be using it ;)

Thanks, I really like the light. I like the mix of the 150 watt hqi bulb (13k) and the four actinic bulbs that come with it.

I'm inspired!! Ordered my my shallow 3 footer yesterday and glad I found this thread. Hopefully I'll be posting here too in a few months.

This is my current 1.5 cube

When doing minimalist aquascaping, I think it's a good idea if all sides of the glass are clean, as otherwise it compromises the effect, or maybe distracting is a good way to put it. Not singling any specific tank out, lol.

It's not as distracting if you have a ton of rock and corals in the system.

Oh, and clear water is good too (ya, I know, obvious, but had to say it).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15424100#post15424100 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GQuinn
Heres mine. It"s a fairly new set-up with some corals transfered from my 70 gallon.



This is a GREAT looking tank!!!!
Here's my attempt at minimalist aquascaping. Not the best pictures still experimenting with my SRL. The tank is pretty new too.


left side:


right side:

I like where this thread is going lets keep it up. Get the ideas flowin. Im surprised i havent seen many of the "banzai" style tanks as i tend to consider them minimalistic
I like where this thread is going lets keep it up. Get the ideas flowin. Im surprised i havent seen many of the "banzai" style tanks as i tend to consider them minimalistic
I like where this thread is going lets keep it up. Get the ideas flowin. Im surprised i havent seen many of the "banzai" style tanks as i tend to consider them minimalistic
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15427577#post15427577 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Acronic
I like where this thread is going lets keep it up. Get the ideas flowin. Im surprised i havent seen many of the "banzai" style tanks as i tend to consider them minimalistic

I agree. I remember one on a Solana a while back (I think his name was mattnano or something) but I think he is 'taking a break' from reefing right now.. or I could be wrong.

There were also a few larger cubes with tha layout.
Jcurry, you have an interesting tank setup.

In the corners, it looks like the MJ mods with some piping in between? What's going on there?