Minimalist Aquascaping

Wow...didn't take you guys long to notice that one. It's a Maxi-jet mod that is hooked up to a Sea Swirl, this mod allows the Sea Swirl to still function as normal but gives you the 2100 gph flow of the Maxi-jet mod moving through the tank. So the output is 2100 gph plus up to 1000 gph that the 1" sea swirl can handle or what ever your return flow is in my case. I'm going to start a new DIY thread with pictures, on it soon. I'm still in the evaluation period but things look good so far. I had two of them built but one of them I didn't get the impeller shaft straight enough and it ended up destroying the prop. I realy hate to see a beautiful reef tank with a lot of equipment in it so I'm trying to get more out of each piece of equipment that is in the tank. Let me know if you want more details.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15430121#post15430121 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JCurry
Wow...didn't take you guys long to notice that one. It's a Maxi-jet mod that is hooked up to a Sea Swirl, this mod allows the Sea Swirl to still function as normal but gives you the 2100 gph flow of the Maxi-jet mod moving through the tank. So the output is 2100 gph plus up to 1000 gph that the 1" sea swirl can handle or what ever your return flow is in my case. I'm going to start a new DIY thread with pictures, on it soon. I'm still in the evaluation period but things look good so far. I had two of them built but one of them I didn't get the impeller shaft straight enough and it ended up destroying the prop. I realy hate to see a beautiful reef tank with a lot of equipment in it so I'm trying to get more out of each piece of equipment that is in the tank. Let me know if you want more details.

I always heard that it was not good to mod the sea swirls in case of breakage, then the warranty is voided.
The sea swirl it self is not moded at all, it functions normally just the return pipe attached to the sea swirl which, as far as I know is allowed to be moded.
Very nice tanks everyone! I am not sure that this is exactly minimal but it is my version :) I still like alot of rock in my tank but I definately have become a fan of a more open swim space and sand bed.

This is a few weeks old and I have since raise up the water level to the bracing. Also added some fish and a few more corals. Thi stank has been running now for about 2 months and added some corals about 1 month ago. It is hard to tell but the bigger rock structure on the left has kind of comes out towards the from in the middle and leaves the back side open for corals to grow and fish to swim.

The tank is a 90g aga drilled and plumbed into another 400g of coral, rock, and algae tanks. All the tanks are shallow grow out tanks and a few allow me to sort of test open shallow layouts..

The tank:

Some of the prop system:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15423206#post15423206 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rando45
so, I tend to ntice that these "minimalistic" aquascapes, tend to have very clean sand is there a correlation there? it seems that more open water lets higher flow through the tank, and thus allows less to settle on the sandbed and doesn't not allow much algae to take hold

thoughts please

My theories:

1. The absence of rocks tend to "expose" the clean white sand better
2. The simplistic nature of the design complements the sand very well
3. The less clutter, the easier it is to siphon the sand
ML fish i love the large flat rocks you seem to have in your tank, i was looking for some of those but never found any.
ill have to post pics of my 220 asap........looking for the camera
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15439211#post15439211 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xtm
My theories:

1. The absence of rocks tend to "expose" the clean white sand better
2. The simplistic nature of the design complements the sand very well
3. The less clutter, the easier it is to siphon the sand

I do not siphon my sand ever. My stars do that for me. Low nutrients, good feeding habits, right kinds of critters, and certainly good flow all play a large part to keeping the sand clean.
evsalty, what stars do you have? I have 2 stars and all sorts of snails, and they don't do anything to keep the sand clean.
2 Sand sifting stars. People always say that they will eat everything in the sand and starve but I have yet to see them ever go below 1/4 inch in the sandbed of 2-3 inches. Also I only have a few nassarius snails and no sand sifting gobies. So no true competition for the detris.
I also never sift my sand. I had mini-stars, nassarius snails, spagetti worms, and other critters that did it. I plan to setup my 14-gal nano the same way. I never got cyano or piles of detritus.
I've got my own earth moving crew, a pair of golden head sleeper gobies. They keep the sand turned and very clean.
I have an mp40 and my sand stays WHITE... I guess the wave motion scrubs the sand, I love it. Very nice tanks, I think the "less is more" look really works. Keep the pics coming. 40 breeder

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15430529#post15430529 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by garrettm85
Very nice tanks everyone! I am not sure that this is exactly minimal but it is my version :) I still like alot of rock in my tank but I definately have become a fan of a more open swim space and sand bed.

This is a few weeks old and I have since raise up the water level to the bracing. Also added some fish and a few more corals. Thi stank has been running now for about 2 months and added some corals about 1 month ago. It is hard to tell but the bigger rock structure on the left has kind of comes out towards the from in the middle and leaves the back side open for corals to grow and fish to swim.

The tank is a 90g aga drilled and plumbed into another 400g of coral, rock, and algae tanks. All the tanks are shallow grow out tanks and a few allow me to sort of test open shallow layouts..

The tank:

Some of the prop system:

Is that a prop system or LFS? :D Nice :thumbsup: