Minimalist Aquascaping

I absolutely LOVE these threads AND I absolutely HATE these threads!!!
Love looking at all the creative designs and beautiful setups but then I end up hating my setup and feel like taking it down and starting again. Conundrum!!!
My 200, one week old so it's still a work in progress:

Here my minimslist aquascape I plan on putting in a 20G

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I've had him since March. He eats anything, even from my hand! And yeah! He is! I love him.... Definitely one of my all-time favorites.
125 gallon minimalist reef

125 gallon minimalist reef

Its rare to find a minimalist style system that isnt full of sps, so I have went with that approach with a lps, softies & leathers throughout as to take a different approach with these types of corals instead of the traditional rock wall.


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New Minimalist layout

New Minimalist layout

The above pictures is the before and this pic is the now, sorry everything is a bit closed as I just finished scraping all of the coraline off the back glass :)


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I overshot my goal when picking out liverock. Without a sump to dump leftover LR as cryptic rock, I ended up with a less minimalistic build than I would've liked... the (50 gal) tank would need another foot of length to make the rockscape truly minimalistic. Oh well, it's no "breakwater wall" design, either...



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    Gesamtansicht 2011-07-30.jpg
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