Minimalist Aquascaping

Now with water. ..

My 210 is still cycling but I'm trying to keep it clean and minimal...


I have about 200lbs of rock or so...and I'm not completely done with the scape (will probably add more bridges)

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Perfect! In five years you'll still have space with something like mature colonies. In my opinion, the biggest mistake made over and over (and over) is making a tank look full on Day One, which invariably means way too much rock and what can only be described as a frag grow out look with plug after plug of 1" colonies that within 3 months will be crowding each other out.

Ya I love the generous amount of sand in serpentmans tank that gives the bottom the wave look; that's what I did with mine. I think the bb or super thin layer of sand tanks are missing out on that sweet look.

Sent by Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Tapatalk 2
These pictures are beyond inspirational! Just clicked through 70 pages of amazing tanks and now it makes me want to tear down my tank and start from scratch! Keep em' coming!
these are photos of my newly set up 180. It has been running for all of 72 hours.

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I have a question. When you don't do high rock structures, how do you manage to keep LPS? I have a 250w metal halide with 4xt5 fixture and am afraid to fry LPS.

When the rock structure is not high basically SPS and LPS are at the same level and getting the same amount of light. I wanna do a minimalist aquascape but this is the only thing that concerns me.

I have open brain, elegance, flowerpot, frogspawn, finger leather etc... As well as several sps colonies...